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JL1) Great Britain collection in near new red springback album, around 700 stamps on well filled pages. Commences line engraved with 1d red stars and plates (7) then basic definitives used amost complete to 1/-  for the period 1887 – 1970, plus Machin decimals to 5 pounds. KGV Seahorses to 5/- plus an array of commems, with some complete sets to about 2001. Mostly used, a few mint decimals. Good value at under packet prices (1000 GB is on our list at $176) $98 the lot!


JL2) Hong Kong Commonwealth period on album pages, commencing Queen Victoria. Good ranges early to modern, mostly used, values to $20, around 100 stamps. Cheap starter collection at $29

JL3) Germany, collection of all periods  on album leaves1800’s to around 1990, with Greater Germany, West Germany and East Germany all well represented. About 800 stamps, mostly used with some nice complete sets. Very good value at $49


JL4) Papua New Guinea collection on album leaves,  postally used, with values to 2/6d pre-decimal and 3K decimal.  About 250 stamps,     packet price is $88 for 200, well under that, price $79


JL5) New Zealand on stack of album leaves, appears all different postally used. Commencing Queen Victoria sidefaces then a good degree of completion from KGV to around 1997. About 750 stamps, cheap lot for $49


JL6) Lovely Fiji collection in red black page KEK stockbook. Mint and used with QV to 5/-, KGV to 2/6d mint, KGVI to One Pound, QEII to One Pound mint, etc. Almost complete from 1937 to around 1992, with most complete sets present. Around 500 stamps. Packet price is $300 for 400 different.  This is well below that at $249


JL7) Norfolk Is. on Hagner pages in padded Australia Post red ring binder. Commencing 1947 Ball Bays with sets to 1/- both mint and used. Wide array of later issues to 2005 with some light duplication and many mint sets, with values to $5. Counted 60 plus complete sets here, good value at $129


JL8) Norfolk is. FDC collection 1956 – 1990 in two brown padded ring albums. Mostly unaddressed official covers. Great cheap source for fine used sets if you wanted to soak them off! 65 plus covers here, under $2 each, plus the albums cost around $30 each new. price $119   


JL9) USA Silk first day cover collection in dark blue Cumberland padded ring album. Covers the period 1982 – 1984 and appears complete. 105 unaddressed Colorano silk covers, values to $9.35 Airmail. Lovely lot, a little toning on a very few covers.  Huge retail, my price well under $1.50 each, $149  


JL10) Papua New Guinea Collection on Minkus leaves, commencing  1952 with complete set fine used to One Pound Fisherman cto with gum. (A couple of lower values are mint) then  complete 1957 – 61  inc 1/7d Cattle very fine used. 1960 Postage dues set of 5 mint (no 6d which is 100s of dollars alone) then complete pre-decimal mint or used. Decimals are complete mint (few are used) to 1986.  In total  110 plus complete sets. Great buying at under $1.50 per set, which includes all definitives for the period. Price $159   


JL11) Norfolk Is. Collection on Minkus leaves complete except white paper ball bays, 1947 – 1986 mostly mint, with a few used. Then some 1987 issues on Seven Seas hingeless leaves. 90 plus complete sets, with all definitive sets and minisheets included

Price under $1.50 per set, great buying at $129


JL12) Christmas Is. Collection on Minkus leaves, virtually complete mint or fine used from 1958  SG1 to 1986, with some later issues on Seven Seas hingeless pages. All definitive issues and minisheets are also there. Total of 40 plus complete sets, under  $1.50 per set, price $59


JL13) Lighthouse Green 64 page stockbook, containing collection of Pacifics, with Fiji, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Christmas Is., Solomon Is., Gilbert & Ellice Is., new Hebrides, Vanuatu, Penrhyn, Tuvalu, Pitcairn, Aitutaki, Cook Is., Samoa etc. Mostly mint unhinged, with a few hinged or used. A few toning issues in first couple of pages, otherwise fresh and clean, covers the period 1937 to approx.  1986.  Noted imperf and double overprint errors. A host of material here, counted 200 plus complete sets and minisheets, including many long definitive sets. Magnificent lot for a reseller all at under $2 per set average.  Price $395


JL14) Cocos (Keeling ) Islands FDC collection in black Cumberland padded album, full to overflowing! Commences 1979 Fish definitive to 1987 all on unaddressed official covers, many with stamps in pairs. Complete definitive sets to $3 noted. Approx 120 covers, priced under $1 each…if you don’t want the covers this is an ideal source for fine used sets when soaked off! Minor toning to a very few covers, but overall a fresh and clean lot. Price $119    


JL15) Cocos (Keeling) Islands collection mainly mint unhinged in Red Lighthouse padded album, as new, retail for this near $250 alone!  Appears complete 1963 – end 1992 with a few later. Odd toning in first two pages, but otherwise a very fresh and clean lot.

Have only counted the retail of stamps from 1976, which is $1000 plus! So with the album a total retail of around $1250….my price under 50% includes the 1990 provisional set of 7, retail alone  $325....$595!


JL16) Australia Mission Mix, an older lot, to the 45c period with good variety, most on single well trimmed paper. As much aas we can cram into an Australia Post 3kg satchell! Very Cheap Price $59,

5kg Satchell for $95


JL17) New South Wales collection in Dark Blue Springback Album, 1871 – 1893 period, with many mint, in blocks etc, described and identified by SG number. Many OS overprints both mint and used. 350 plus stamps, retail must be huge! Price a tad over $2 per stamp, very good value at $749


JL18) Australia 1928 3d Kookaburra minisheet, lightly hinged on top two stamps and in selvedge only, this is from the centre of the complete sheet, and therefore has perfs all around the margins. Only one in 15 can be in this format. Unlike so many of these, this one has fresh white gum, no toning! Price elsewhere up to $225, this one $165.


JL19) Queensland 1860 1d Carmine Rose SG 4, perf 14 -16. MNG.

Cat 2500 pounds in 2013 (AUD$5000) Missing from 99.99% of all collections! Tiny closed tear at base, if you can spot it! Great spacefiller at under 5% cat. Price $249


JL20) Tasmania 1/- Vermillion Chalon Head, horizontal strip of three, perf 12, SG77, imperf at base., perfs stopping 2/3rds of the way down each stamp. SG77a, imperf between horizontal pair, with pen cancel as are these, cat 250 ($500) pounds in 2013. Fine exhibition piece showing how these horizontal pairs came about. Price $249


JL21) Australian States mint & used collection in Seven Seas Album. Condition is mixed and appears to be put together on budget. Commences Sydney Views, set of 3, spacefiller quality, then NSW perforated issues about 50% complete, inc. some ovpt. OS.  Queensland commences like NSW with the trio of Chalon Imperfs spacefillers, then Chalon Heads to 2/- Blue (MNG) Cat $250, large Chalons complete set to One Pound, 5/- is mint, balance largely complete used. South Australia commences with 1d Chalon

Imperf, again spacefiller quality, then a fair showing of later issues, with many Ovpt. OS. (No Long Types) Tasmania and Victoria continue along similar lines with many good pickings inc. Vic. 1/- Registered stamp plus 1884 definitives complete to 2/6d. WA mint and used ranges to 1902 5/-. A very good lot  at the price, approx. 375 stamps, under $2 a stamp, price $749


JL22) Australia 1913 4d Orange yellow Kangaroo, fine used and well centered, Hobart cds of 13 MAR 15, and unusually perfin T. (Tasmania Official Use) Retail $75 as normal. Price $110


JL24) Great Britain, recent and latest Commemoratives on single close clipped paper, 250g only available…a very scarce mix these days., price $135


JL25) Australia Censored 1942 Italian Prisoner of War entire letter on official stationery, from an Italian Soldier to his mother, begins “Carissima mamma”  dated 24 Nov. 1942, franked by 1/- small Lyrebird and cancelled “Australia Military P.O. Myrtleford”  and rubber stamped in purple with “Services of Prisoners of War”, Approved for Transmission by Camp Commander” and “No. 5 P.W. Group MYRTLEFORD” Rare survivor as little would have found it’s way back to Australia. Price $165


JL26) Australia 1936 small Airmail advertising cover for the Bank of New South Wales, franked by 6d Large Kooka and 3d C of A wmk KGV.  To Kuala Lumpur,  Malaya, and re-addressed  via Chartered Bank of I. A. & C. (India Asia & China) printed label, to Mallacca. Cancelled by Sydney Airmail Section  GPO Slogan, 28 JL 1936. Price $110


JL27) Australia KGV 1.5d red Die II, sml multi wmk, perf 14,  Mullett gutter imprint block of 8, plate 2, left pane, with various varieties  inc Void Corner, stamps 53/54/59/60 and 49/50/55/56. ACSC  91(2)zb, mlh, cat $350. Some overall light Toning and tone spots to 3 stamps, not affecting Void Corner stamp. Cheap at $129   


JL28) Early lot of Space, seems to be 500 odd stamps here give or take, with many complete sets and minisheets, mostly form the 1960’s & 70’s. Some mint, most cto. Many stamps I have not seen before. Price $129


JL29) Hong Kong KEVII Ovpt. Specimen group, 1c, 2c, 4c & 8c 1903, plus 4c & 10c 1907., all mint lightly hinged, cat 150 pounds each, $1800. My price just under 25% of cat. $449


JL30) Australia 1949 10/- Robes thin paper in Imprint Block of 4. Mint hinged, cat $300, price $239


GREAT BRITAIN POSTAL HISTORY: The next 11 lots are all small neat covers in fine clean condition.


JL31) GB 1857 4d Rose Carmine, wmk large garter, no corner letters SG66 on entire with Barred numeral 27, London to Marseilles 24 MAR 1859, with arrival datestamps Calais and Paris both 25 Mars 59 and Marseilles, date unclear. Cat 210 pounds = $420 on cover, price $139


JL32) GB 1867 3d Rose, SG 102 wmk spray plate 8 lettered TG on small entire London to Lyon with oval advertising cachet “ Louis Descrand & Co. London”  cancelled by clean strike of duplex 88 of JU 25 72. Arrival stamps of  Paris 26 Juin 72 and Lyon 27 Juin 72.  Cat 110 pounds on cover = $220, price $69


JL33) GB 1876 2.5d Rosy Mauve SG 141 wmk orb, plate 15 lettered NB on small envelope London duplex  DE 29 79 to Vienna with arrival cds JOSEFSTADT 31 12 79. Cat 110 pounds on cover = $220, price $69


JL34) GB 1873 3d Rose SG 143  wmk spray plate 14 lettered MH on small envelope Glasgow – Berlin, cancelled by Glasgow Duplex 159, JY 30 74 and with arrival cds of Aug 2.  Reverse has embossed oval “Arthur & Comrie 78 Queen Street Glasgow “ Minor tear at top and part flap missing. Cat 75 pounds on cover = $150, price $37.50


JL35)  GB 1873 3d Rose SG 143  wmk spray plate 15 lettered HB on small mourning envelope cancelled by London Duplex No. 1 of 26 SP 74 to Paris, with arrival cds of Calais 27 SEPT 74 and Paris on the same day. Neat and clean, cat 75 pounds on cover = $150, price $49


JL36) GB 1882 small entire, Charing Cross , London – Paris, bearing 2.5d Blue QV SG 157, Plate 23, lettered GI, cancelled by Charing Cross Squared Circle of JU 10 82, and with oval cachet “Forwarded by Coutts & Co.”  Arrival cds of Paris on reverse 11 Juin 82. Fine and clean, cat 55 pounds on cover = $110, price $35   


JL37) As above, but lettered LB, from London EC, with duplex  FE 10 82, and arrival cds of FE 12 82. No cachet. Price $32


JL38) GB 1868 Small envelope bearing 6d Lilac, plate No. not visible SG 104/7, cancelled by duplex  890 OF Windsor  DE 12 68. To Princess Henriette of Schleswig Holstein,  Castle Primkenau, Silesia. The reverse with sealing wax royal coat of arms in red, with embossed crown in black above.  Believed to bear the handwriting of Princess Alexandra of Shleswig Holstein, later Queen Consort to King Edward VII who had married him as Prince of Wales 5 years earlier and lived at Windsor Castle . Scarce piece of Royal Postal History.  Stamp cat. 190 pounds on cover = $380. Price $325


JL39) Australia 1932 6d Typo Kookaburra in Ash Imprint Gutter block of 4, hinged in selvedge and on one stamp only. Cat $200, price $149


JL40) Australia 1938 5/- Robes thick paper mint unhinged Commonwealth Imprint Block of 4, left margin missing, cat $150, or $80 as single stamps, price $59


JL41) Victoria 1861 small cover bearing 4d perforated beaded oval SG 95 cancelled by indistinct barred numeral backstamp arrivasl cds in red Melbourne OC 5 61. To Major General Sir. Thomas Pratt,  Sir Thomas Simson Pratt (1797 – 2 February 1879) was a British Army general. He served in the First Anglo-Chinese War (1839–1841), in India from 1843 to 1855 where he was deputy adjutant-general at Madras, and was Commander of the British Forces in Australia from 1856 to 1861. He was promoted to Lieutenant-General on 31 May 1865, and to full general eight years later. He was Commander of the British Forces in New Zealand from 1860 to 1861, and was on the Executive Council. He commanded during the First Taranaki War, but as he realised the doubtful validity of the Waitara Purchase (the main cause of the war), he disagreed with Governor Gore Browne, and his military action was ridiculed by the local settlers. He was created K.C.B. for his services in New Zealand by the British Government. He returned to Australia as Commander of the British Forces in Victoria, and in 1862 was appointed Colonel of the 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, which he held until he retired in 1877. Great piece of military postal history, price $159


JL42) New South Wales, Officials. 1882-5 8d Yellow Diadem SG 032, ovpt. OS, mint unhinged horizontal marginal strip of 4, very fresh, well centered and good perfs, cat 26 pounds each as hinged,  = Approx. $210, very attractive piece, price $159

JL43) Queensland 1860 6d Dark green Chalon, perf 14-16, wmk Large Star, SG6, nice used example, cat 70 pounds = $140. Price $89


JL44) Queensland 1860   2d Blue Chalon, perf 14-16, wmk small star,SG 7 nice used example cat 110 pounds = $220, price $139


JL45) Queensland 1860  1d Carmine Rose & 6d Yellow Green Chalon, perf 14-16, wmk small star, SG12 & 18  nice used examples cat 75 pounds = $150, price $98


JL46) Australian States accumulation mint & used on Hagner sheets, unchecked for perfs/wmks etc, many pickings inc. Qld Chalons, 20 to 1/-, WA to 2/- & Tasmania to 5/-. About 165 stamps, great value at well under $2 per stamp, price $295


JL47) Massive World Collection/accumulation on stocksheets, huge variety early to modern in nice clean condition. Would  guess near 10,000 stamps, many pickings with a lot of better values noted. Heavy lot around 15kg. Price under 5c a stamp $495 the lot.


JL48) Cocos (Keeling) Islands collection mainly mint unhinged in Virtually New Seven Seas  padded hingeless album and slipcase, as new, retail for this near $300 alone!  Appears complete 1963 – end 2008 with a few later. Lightly hinged to 1980, then fresh mint unhinged. Retail of stamps is massive, $1000 plus to the start of the Australia Post period in 1993, 1994 onwards is $215 So with the album a total retail of OVER $1500….my price under 50% includes the 1990 provisional set of 7, retail alone  $325....$695!


JL49) Christmas Is. Collection in virtually new Seven Seas Red Padded Hingeless album and slipcase complete mint unhinged from 1958  SG1 to end of 1994 All definitive issues and minisheets are also there. Retail of album alone around $300, plus retail of stamps is $850 plus, a total retail of over $1150, my price well under a half, $545


JL51) Australia used decimal collection in 64 page red stockbook. Appears mostly complete  without minisheets 1966 – 1995. If you like your stamps used, then this is the lot for you, must be around 500 complete sets, approx. 2000 different stamps. Under 50c a set, price $249


JL52) Norfolk Island 1947 Ball Bay Definitives, original set of 12 to 2/- in fresh mint unhinged top
right corner blocks of 4. Very scarce thus, retail as single sets $60, very cheap at $49


JL53) As above, in imprint blocks of 4, lower left, generally hinged on top two stamps per block.  Odd fault, and minor thins to 2d & 3d values. These retail unhinged at $160 so very cheap indeed at $34.50


JL54) Norfolk Is. Ball Bay, white paper set of 4, SG1ea/4ea  vfu, retail $225 these are cto with gum, price $98


JL55) As above, mint lightly hinged, price $69


JL56) Norfolk Is. 1970 Birds, in Harrison Post office pack, I have never seen this before! Hinge marks on reverse. Very scarce I believe, price $79


JL57) Norfolk Is. 1979 Aircraft definitive SG 236/52 in unfolded right marginal Harrison Imprint gutter blocks of 6, mint unhinged. Very scarce thus as most sheets were folded or guillotined prior to delivery. I have never seen these before. Retail as single set is $135, price $98


JL58) Papua New Guinea,  clean mint unhinged collection in near new Blue Lighthouse 64 black page stockbook retail approx. $65. Commencing 1962 Malaria set is a bit sparce to 1972 then a good degree of completeness (approx 75%) to  2000, with some scarce overprints noted. Retail of the stamps is $900 + +, My price very cheap at $395 the lot!


JL59) Norfolk Is. Mint unhinged collection in green padded Seven Seas Album, 1947 – 1987.  Complete per Seven Seas catalogue. Lovely clean lot, with album alone retailing around $275 and stamps at  $950 plus, a total retail value of over $1200 for just $489


JL60) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink 1st. wmk Kangaroo, superb mint lightly hinged, well centred and fresh, with variety “Broken Coast near Sydney”, ACSC 47(D) d, cat $2750. Finest you will see. Price $2149


JL61) British Commonwealth on quality leaves.  Early QE2 Commonwealth FU sets Coll. SG $1,550.

Try tracking these down any other way, in a one purchase run! The very scarce early sets 1954-1962.

Lovely looking lot on very expensive and super heavyweight “Lighthouse” pages. Had a good look through and all are genuine cancels, and condition looked well above average to me for things 60 years old. USED sets of these places are 500 times less common than Mint, despite the very similar SG values. Countries included are: Aden, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, British Guiana, Br. Solomon Is., Cayman Is., Falkland Is., Fiji, Grenada, Hong Kong, KUT,  Mauritius, Rhodesia & Nyasaland, St. Lucia, Sierra Leone, Trinidad & Tobago. 20 definitive sets plus some extras.  Current SG £773 =$A1,550, my price $995


JL62) AAT.  Australian Antarctic Territory Bulk -- 1957-2014- a 3 volume AAT collection, loveingly acquired over a lifetime of collecting. Contains mint, fine used, fdc's, gutters. Pre-decimals some in blocks, pre-decimal covers, Registered covers etc. nice lot. The decimals include stamp packs, gutter strips, commercial covers, base covers, a real mixed bag.  The retail value of the decimals mint is more than $1750 alone, plus the value of the albums plus there are loads of full used sets, gutter pairs, blocks, miniature sheets used as a bonus and loads of FDC's.  My price a very low $1559


JL63) Australia 1948/49 5/- - One Pound Robes Thin paper set, mint unhinged. Cat $265, retail $235 one set only, my price just $165


JL64) South Australia, 1865 1/- Lake Brown, SG42, mis-cut, rouletted, so that “Postage” appears both at top and bottom of the stamp. Stunning variety, I sold something similar years ago through

Prestige Auctions for $1000! This may well be the top half of an imperf between pair, cat at $3000 used. Price $295


JL65) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Overprinted OS, mint lightly hinged. Cat $575, retail $475, my price $359


JL66) Australia 1916 5/- 2nd wmk Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, inverted wmk, with repaired Telegraph Puncture, also pre-printing horizontal paper crease. Cat at $750 for Inv. Wmk, cheap at $279


JL67) Australia KGV Head, 1d Green Single wmk, mint unhinged, with variety RA joined, from lower margin with part imprint. Cat $40, price $25


JL68) As above, but on 1d Violet in Horiz. Pair with normal at left. Price $39


JL69) Australia KGV Head, 4d purple, single wmk, perf OS, mint lightly hinged, retail $125, price $89

JL70) Australia KGV Head, 2d Orange single wmk, perf OS, mint unhinged. Retail $125 my price $89


JL71) Australia Decimal High Values all above letter rate when issued, nicely used, many with light circular cancels, values to $10 or $20 in definitive, $2.75 in Commemoratives. Good assortment of Definitives and Commemoratives, with many recent. 100 mixed for $69, Commemoratives only $89, Definitives only $49 


JL72) GB Machins all periods, inc. Regionals, vast range used laid out in order in Green Lighthouse 32 page stockbook, and in binder on stocksheets. Ideal for specialist. Probably close to 3000 stamps here, plus around 500g off paper and 400g on paper close clipped, which includes some earlier Wildings etc. and commems. 10,000 plus stamps all up. Cheap lot for someone to research at under 3c per stamp $295 the lot.


JL73) Australia 1942 1.5d Green Queen Elizabeth on plain “Accidental” first day cover, Melbourne Machine cancel of 1 Dec 1942 to Burwood E.13. Vic. On small commercial envelope. Cat $800!

Price $595


JL74) Australia 1929 5/- Small Multiple Kangaroo in combination with 1d green KGV Head and 6d Purple Kingsford Smith, on Commercial 1931 First Flight Cover  to Portland Cement Co. London, with official Cachet for Experimental Airmail 24/4/31. 5/- very rare on cover, cat $1200. Price $1139


JL75) Australia 1934 1/- Vict. Cent. Perf 11.5 on small Airmail cover to England in combination with 6d Typo. Kookaburra to make 1/6d Airmail rate, tied by Sydney Airmail cds of 14 JA 36. Very scarce commercial use, the 1/- cat. $350 on cover, price $259


EJ3) Australia 1918 KGV Single wmk 1d Rose, smooth paper in block of 12 with CA Monogram form plate 3, with varieties on 6 units. 11 stamps are mint unhinged. Superb Exhibition piece, cat $1300 plus. Price $975  


EJ4) Australia 1923 Halfpenny Orange Single wmk marginal block of 8, mint unhinged with Inverted wmk. One stamp with minor toning. Cat $200, price $115


EJ5) Australia 1929 1.5d Swan, in mint unhinged imprint block of 6, with variety “re-entry to swan’s neck and T of Australia. Cat $175 for variety alone. Price $129


EJ6) Australia 1930 Sturt 1.5d in complete set of 8 Plate Number blocks plus imprint block of 4, very fresh, lightly hinged on just 1 stamp per block. Cat $135, price $98


EJ8) Australia 1929 3d Green Airmail type 1, ASH imprint block of 4, mint lightly hinged, cat $75, price $49


EJ9) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d in complete set of 8 Plate Number blocks and 3d plate 2 block, all superb Mint Unhinged cat $290, price $215


EJ10) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d Red in superb mint unhinged half sheet of 40, Cat $200, price under a half $98


EJ12) Australia 1926 1.5d Red Small multi wmk perf 14, lower right corner mint unhinged horizontal pair from plate 1A, on translucent paper,  cat $300. Price $225  


EJ16)  Australia 1927 1.5d Red Small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5, top right plate dot blocks of 4, for all plates 1 – 4, mint unhinged, very minor faults,  cat $220 as hinged. Priced very reasonably at $189


EJ17) Australia 1924 4.5d Pale Violet, dry ink, in Mullet Imprint Block of 4, mint no gum. Dry ink catalogues only as used, at $250 per stamp. The imprint block of 4 cat $475 for hinged mint. Ice item, very cheap at $295


EJ18) Australia 1918 1d Red KGV in a very fresh mint unhinged Harrison Single Imprint pair, from plate 4, with variety “RA Joined” Cat $1000 as a hinged imprint block of 4. Very rare. price $395


EJ19) Australia 1924 1.5d Red KGV, in No Imprint gutter pair, mint lightly hinged. Block of 4 cat $400. Price $129


EJ20) Australia 1918 Halfpenny Yellowish Green KGV Large Multiple Wmk, in top marginal gutter strip of 14, unhinged except for perf reinforcement on 3 stamps. Cat approx $500. Price $349


EJ21) Australia 1923 KGV Halfpenny Orange, single wmk in Harrison imprint pair mint lightly hinged, from Electro 9, with variety “Break in top frame left of crown” cat $1275 as block of 4. Price $45


EJ21) Australia 1924 1.5d Red KGV single wmk  in Harrison two line Imprint strip of 7, 5 stamps are unhinged. Cat $500 as imprint block of 4. Has perf reinforcement at left. Attractive piece. Very cheap at $125


EJ22) Australia 1926 1.5d Red KGV single wmk in Mullett imprint pair, mint unhinged. Left stamp with blunt top right corner perf. Cat $375 as a block of 4. Price $75


EJ25) Australia 1926 1d green KGV single wmk in Mullett Imprint pair mint unhinged from plate 4, with variety “RA Joined” Cat $175 as hinged block of 4. Small Tone Spot on non-variety stamp.  Price



EJ27) Australia 1920 1/- Kangaroo 3rd wmk, sideways. Mint unhinged right marginal example, centered left. Cat $200 as hinged, unpriced for unhinged. Very good value at $179 


MMY1) Great Britain 1958 1st De la Rue Castles high values  set, SG 536a-539a, superb and perfect mint unhinged top marginal examples, beautifully fresh and well centred with good perfs, the best I have ever seen! Premium quality. Very rare and most likely the only set available for sale in Australia right now. Cat. $1200 plus, price $795


MMY2) Great Britain 1963 & 1967 Bradbury Wilkinson Castles High Values set, both watermarked and unwatermarked, the two sets, 8 stamps cat. $60 mint unhinged for just $29!


MMY3) Australia 1915 9d Pale Violet Kangaroo, ACSC 25B, lightly cancelled, well centred and with full perfs. This shade rarely seen, yet is in the catalogue at the same price as the other two. Cat $90,

I reckon this one is a bargain at $79!


MMY4) New Guinea 1932 One Pound Grey Bird of Paradise, without dates Ovpt. “Airmail” nice fine cds used, well centered and good perfs. Cat $110, price $89


MMY5) Australia 1931 10/- & One Pound Kangaroos, C of A wmk, each with small Telegraph Puncture, and light cds cancels centered left and right respectively. Retail for fine used as normals around $700, these two just $235 the pair.


MMY6) Australia 1958 8d Kingsford Smith, on plain surface mail cover to the USA opened at top, with Qld. cds of 27 AU 1958. Correct usage rate to the USA and a fine example of an accidental FDC. Price $29


MMY7) North Borneo, collection on leaves, 1888 – 1984 cat 800 pounds = $1600 plus, handy ranges of all periods especially KGVI where half of the catalogue value is and includes the scarce 4c Postage Due, SAG D86 fine cds used. Any remaindered items are correctly accounted for in the catalogue price.  This is a well sought after area. Around 150 stamps, price $795


MMY8) Australia 1939 small airmail advertising cover for George Pizzey & Son, Melbourne to USA, bearing 3d Die 2 & 1/4d KGVI definitives, overpaying the 1/6d airmail rate by 1d and with “Airmail Saves Time” slogan of Melbourne 17 JNE 1939. Nice combination usage, the 1/4d on cover cat. At $40. Price $29


MMY10) New South Wales 1850 2d Sydney View, later impression, SG18, with 4 huge margins! Used with indistinct barred numeral cancel (39?) Cat 170 pounds, price $275


MMY14) VICTORIA Sg 31b; 1854-57 3d BLUE HALF LENGTH CAMPELL/FERGUSSON  printing  SUPERB very fine used, with clean strike of Butterfly cancel, 4 big margins. They do not come any better than this! Price $149


MMY15) Victoria 1857 Entire in very fine condition, bearing  4d Imperf  emblems  - SG43 - Early OHMS cover to Paymaster of Police Melbourne from Police Officer Horsham 6/4/57 with partial Horsham cancel on reverse, ands indistinct barred numeral tying the adhesive. Scarce and unusual, price $149


MMY16) Victoria, Registered Tattersall's cover to Tasmania, bearing 2d and 5d Victoria Commonwealth period SG 387 & 391 with cds of Flemington FE 25 01. Neat small cover. Price $29


MMY17) Australia 1959 Small Registered cover Ballarat to Melbourne, bearing 1d & 3d QEII Defins, plus 1/- Platypus to make 1/7d registered rate with Ballarat cds of 10 SEP 59. Nice tri-colour combination. Price $29


MMY19) Australia 1913 1st wmk  One Pound Brown and Blue Kangaroo, nice cds used example, well centered with cds of Gaffney’s Creek, Vic. 13 OC 14? A rare postmark for this High Value Stamp. Price $2650


MMY20)Australia 1918 3rd wmk One Pound Light Brown and Dull Blue, fine well centered full perf example with cds of 6 MR 19 Sth. Australia (town unclear) Price $1750


MMY22) Australia 1924 3rd wmk One Pound  Grey Kangaroo, well centered and good perfs, cancelled by 2 partial cds. Price for fine used around $425, this one just $275


MMY23) Australia 1931 – 36 C of A wmk Kangaroos, complete set of 7 values, 6d to Two Pounds, nice used set, the two pound is particularly attractive.  Just a few minor faults make this a very affordable budget priced set, usual retail for fine used $1450, this set just a half, $725


MMY24) Australia 1929 10/- multi wmk Grey & Pink Kangaroo, nice well centered used stamp with full colour. Just a couple of very minor perf faults make this a good budget priced stamp. Cat $700, this one under  a half at $349


MMY26) Australia 1918 10/- 3rd wmk  Grey & Deep Analine Pink Kangaroo, fine used light cds and well centered, with fluffy perfs as is often the case with this wmk, and minor corner thin spot. Cat. $375, bargain at $125.


MMY27) Australia 1918 10/- 3rd wmk Grey& Pink Kangaroo, nice used example with two partial cds cancels of Gympie, Qld. Centred right. Cat $500, price $249


MMY28) Australia 1916 2nd wmk 2/- Brown, good – fine used with 2 partial cds cancels, well centered and with good perfs. Cat $350, price $195


MMY30) Australia 1953 Produce Food set of 6 in mint unhinged part sheets of 76, being the top half, the central gutter and a block of 16. May yield some varieties. Could break up to produce 6 blocks of 9 and 4 strips of 3, retail is huge at $400 plus, my price just $249


MMY34) Australia 1953 Tasmania Stamp Cent. 3d in mint complete unhinged sheet of 120, noted perf pips at right.  Cat $140, price just $69


MMY37) Australia KGV Heads, complete simplified fine used, with some extra shades/ watermarks etc. Well written up on album leaves. 66 stamps, priced retail at $750, price $595


MMY38) Australia KGV 4d Orange with partial cds of Guildford, and with nice pre-printing paper crease at lower left corner, causing a large void in the left frame. Lovely variety, price $75


MMY39) Australia 1913 4d Yellow Orange, ACSC 15F, nice well centered stamp with partial Qld. Cds at top. Couple of ragged perfs at the bottom. Cat $150, price $69   


MMY40) Australia 1916 2nd wmk Kangaroos, set of 5 to 1/- all nice fine used, cds cancels. Retail $195, very reasonable at $139


MMY41) Australia 1929 multi wmk Kangaroos, set of 5 to 5/-, all nice fine used cds cancels. Retail $220, excellent buying at my price of $159


MMY42) Australia 1913 1st wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, decent used example with cds cancel, Cat $250, under half at $119


MMY43) Australia 1914 6d Claret Kookaburra, lovely well centered with gum cto example, retail  $80, my price just $59


MMY44) Australia 1915 – 24 3rd wmk Kangaroos, set of 11 to 5/-, inc extra shade for the 6d blue, all nice cds, excepting the 5/- which had 2 circular cancels, and fluffy perfs. Priced on album page to sell at $245, my price under as half at $119


MMY45) Australia, absolutely magnificent, best I have ever seen! 1915 3rd wmk 3d Die II Kangaroo, with perfect  centering and perfs. With light cds cancel. Cat $200. Price $149


MMY47) Australia 1913 1st wmk Kangaroos, set of 10 to 1/- fine used cds cancels, written up  on album pages and priced to sell at $155, my price a low $95


MMY48) Australia used collection 1927 – 1946, fine used and nicely written up on album leaves in vintage “Jackey” peg fitting album. Priced to sell at $380 plus with some items unpriced. Includes  most KGV & KGVI Commemoratives and definitive with 1934 Vic. Centenary in both perfs, 1934 MacArthur, 1935 Anzac, 1935 Jubilee, 1936 S.A. Centenary,1937 NSW Sesqui, 1937 Robes set to One Pound, 1940 AIF etc. A very good lot. Priced very well at $225        

Prices valid to JULY 31st 2016, BE QUICK! Email or phone reservations highly advised.


If you wish to view any item we can send a scan by email, or colour photocopy by mail.


Also please remember that any order above $500 can be put on layby for up to 6 months,

and that all of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee. 


We accept all cards and Paypal at no fee.

Post and insurance is free within Australia on all orders above $500 from this list.  


We can now post smaller parcels up to 5kg outside Victoria, Australia Wide for much lower prices than on our Order Form, registration and insurance fees still apply:

Up to 500g = $7.50

501g – 3kg = $13.50

3.01kg – 5kg = $17.50


TO ORDER please contact Kevin Morgan on ...
Phone:  0425 795 693
Fax:  (03) 9758 7506

Post:  PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158 

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