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Prices valid to JULY 31st 2016, BE QUICK! Email or phone reservations highly advised.


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Also please remember that any order above $500 can be put on layby for up to 6 months,

and that all of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee. 


We accept all cards and Paypal at no fee.

Post and insurance is free within Australia on all orders above $500 from this list.  


We can now post smaller parcels up to 5kg outside Victoria, Australia Wide for much lower prices than on our Order Form, registration and insurance fees still apply:

Up to 500g = $7.50

501g – 3kg = $13.50

3.01kg – 5kg = $17.50


MJL1) China, lovely collection/accumulation on stockcards, early – 1990s, mint unhinged & used, inc some complete year sets, with duplication plus some Taiwan, must be over 800 stamps. Very cheap at $159 the lot.


MJL2) British Commonwealth, vast accumulation of complete sets and minisheets, in complete  sheets, blocks of 4 etc. Mostly mint unhinged, with a few cto,  1980’s period. Must be 1000 - 1250 sets or so here, good variety, great for the re-seller at under 25c per set! Weighs around 1kg $249 the lot.


MJL3) Similar to the above, but Foreign countries only, same price $249


MJL4)Samoa on Seven Seas Pages and some  British Commonwealth 19780’s/’80s, mainly mint unhinged complete sets on album leaves, inc. a few  Norfolk Is., Barbuda &  Guernsey.  Counted 27 complete sets inc. several long definitve sets, cheap lot at $49


MJL5) Australia 1929 6d Chestnut  smw Kangaroo plus 1.5d red KGV on neat and clean Airmail cover Roebourne W.A. to Perth. Very clean strikes of Roebourne cds, 25 MAR 30. 6d cat. $150 on cover. Price $110   


MJL6) Australia 23 AP 31 Experimental Airmail cover Registered Melbourne to Westmorland UK. Bear full set of Kingsford Smith, plus 3d Airmail and 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw perf 13.5 x 12.5. The 1/4d cat $400 on cover. Neat and clean with nice vignettes  and cachet. Cheap price $179.


MJL7) Australia registered commercial  1930 Surface mail cover Haymarket NSW  to German bank. Bears Halfpenny Orange and 1d green KGV smw perf. 13.5 x 12.5 plus 1.5d Canberra and 3d Sturt. Total makes correct rate of 6d. Cancelled by Haymarket 20 OC 30 cds, and with arrival cds of Bad Schandau 23.11.30 on reverse. Attractive cover with “copper plate” handwriting. 3d Sturt cat $60 on cover. Price $49 


MJL8) Australia 1928 small registered surface mail cover Rockhampton Qld, to Madison Square Station, New York, bearing KGV 4.5d Violet  and 1.5d Red smw Perf 14. Cancelled by cds of Rockhampton 216 MY 28 and arrival stamps of New York 6.26.1928, and Madison Sq. Station of the same date.  4.5d cat $100 on cover, price $85


MJL0) Australia, small linen lined envelope bearing 1.5d Black Brown and 4d Orange KGV both perf OS registered to Newcastle, NSW. Indistinct cds of 4  AU 19. I am summizing that this contained War Medals as I have seen several similar over the years and this is addressed to Pte. S.C. Rye. 4d OS is cat $200 on cover. Nice military Item, price $135.


MJL11) Australia Multi-franked Airmail cover to Germany bearing  3d S.A. Centenary full set plus extra 3d & 1/-, plus 6d Typo Kookaburra and 4 x 1d Green KGV, to make correct double rate of 3/-. Cancelled by cds of Ship Room Melbourne 16 OC 36, and with Greece arrival backstamp of 27 X 36.

1/- S.A. is cat $200 on cover. Price $149


MJL12) Australia 1935 small Airmail cover to Scotland, bearing 3d Vic. Cent. Perf 11.5, 3d 1935 Jubilee and 1/- Large Lyrebird making correct 1.6d rate, to Solicitors Office. Cancelled by cds of Pioneer, Queensland. The 1/- & 3d Jubilee each cat $50 on cover, the Vic. Cent 3d at $40. Nice combination cover, price $72



MJL13) Australia 1915 2d grey 3rd wmk Kangaroo, Die 1 together with Halfpenny Green KGV on window envelope, cancelled by Sydney machine Cancel of MY 10 1916. 2d Roo cat. $125 on cover. Price $89


MJL14) St. Helena 1991 Royal Birthdays Booklet, containing Gutter Block of 4 of the stamps commemorating the 65th Birthday of HM The Queen and the 70th  Birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh.      

Cover is cancelled by OC  7  91 cds of St. Helena, presumably to prove sale over the counter and prevent pilfering, much as Australia Post cancel stationery items today. Stamps are mint. Neat Royalty item which I have not seen before. Cheap price $10, I have a few so $19 for 2, $39 for 5, might suit re-seller.


MJL15) Ascension 1953 and 1963 definitve sets ro 2/6d, both mint lightly hinged. Cat 57 pounds = approx. $100, cheap lot $29


MJL15) South Australia accumulation on Hagners  in black binder. Huge quantity of mostly the more common values, commencing perforated Chalons, vasluies to 2/-. Totally unchecked for postmarks,  shades, perfs, varieties etc. Some  identified by SG number . Includes a fair number of OS overprints and some perf S.A. 1100 plus stamps, has to be worth 50c each…price $549


MJL16) Queensland. Massive lot of Revenues, in Blue Springback Binder, on old style vellum stock cards. Totally unchecked for watermarks, shades, varieties etc. Commences long type Queen Victoria with 3d Lilac x about 12, then the 6d dark blue x about 125, followed by KEVII types, with 1d violet, 2d red, 6d red, 1/- Blue x several 100s of each. I estimate 1250 – 1500 stamps in total. At an average of under 25c each, this has to be great value for the specialist. Price $689


MJL17) Nauru. 1960 Registered cover to Melbourne, from Nauru Co-op. Soc. Bearing pair of 1/- purple definitive SG54, and 5d Freighter SG33A, 1st issue. Very scarce combination in commercial usage. $119


MJL18) Australia 1930 small Airmail cover from Swiss Consulate Sydney  to Burgdorf with solo use of 3d KGV type A, perf 13.5 x 12.5, with manuscript annotation “By supplementary mail”  Cancelled by Sydney Airmail slogan, 15 JAN 1930. Cat $100 on cover. Part flap missing, nevertheless an attractive item. Price $49


MJL19)Queensland 1876-78 2d Bright Blue Queen Victoria Chalon Head, SG99. Nice used with complete row of double perfs at top. Cheap variety. $49


MJL20) Australia 1969 15c Timber, solo use on Airmail cover to Copenhagen.  Cancelled by Sydney Christmas Slogan, 16 DEC 1969. Neat and clean. Very scarce solo use, $79


MJL21) Australia 1972 Christmas 35c, solo use on small Airmail cover to Bognor Regis, Sussex, UK. Cancelled by Adelaide Christmas Slogan 5 DEC 1972. Neat & clean, very scarce! $119


MJL22) Australia 1975, very scarce multiple use of 25c Anteater x 5, plus 10c Gemstone on registered airmail cover Mt. Isa, Qld. To W. Germany. Making up $1.35 rate. Cancelled by Mt. Isa cds, 27 JE 75, and with Brisbane Registered cds of 30 JE 75 on reverse.   Price $59   

TO ORDER Please contact Kevin Morgan on ...
Phone:  0425 795 693
Fax:  (03) 9758 7506

Post:  PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158 

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