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Coins and Banknotes:


CB1)  Australia 1923 Halfpenny, in lovely fine plus condition 6 pearls clearly visible, reverse would be VF. Nice clean coin, cat $2250 plus. Price $1875


CB3) Australia 1946 1d, nice VF (very fine) condition with traces of original lustre. Cat $150, price $98


CB4) Australia 1912 Penny, great coin in EF (Extremely fine) condition, 8 pearls and centre diamond with some original lustre. Cat $125, price $98


CB5a) Australia Five 1954 10 pound Commonwealth  Bank  Coombs/Wilson prefix WA20, nice flat note in Very Fine condition. Cat $375, price $249


CB11) Australia Silver 3d starter collection, all KGV 10 different dates for $29


CB12) Australia 1921M 3d, in AUNC Condition, cat $175, price $115


CB13) Australia 1928 3d, in AUNC condition, cat $175, price $115


CB16) Australia Halfpennies, starter collection 20 different dates price $39


CB17) Australia Baby Coin Set, 1997 mint condition as issued. Thje scarcest of All the baby sets. Cat $410, price $295

Stamps and Postal History:


Stamps and Postal History:


AU1) Australia 1924 One Pound Grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, ovpt. Specimen Type C, mint very lightly hinged. Centered right, fresh white gum, cat. $375, price $279


AU2) Australia 1918-29 3rd wmk Kangaroos set of 9, inc., both 6d & 2/- colours 2d – 5/- in good average used condition. Retail as fine used $300, this set all with circular cancels, nicely centered, Price $129


AU3) Australia 1924 One Pound Grey 3rd wmk Kangaroo, good spacefiller, with circular cancel. Retail $425 for fine used, lised at $240 on my “Wounded Roos” page, this one just $195


AU4) Pitcairn Is. Commercial Mails. We have acquired a nice lot of genuine Pitcairn Is. Commercial covers (NOT Tourist Mail) Mostly small envelopes, some registered, and some wrappers, plus parcel pieces with values to $10! A total of  35 items, which would make a nice single frame exhibition. Island families represented among the senders are Christian, Brown, Warren,Warren – Peu, Young and McCoy. Price required is $2400, plus I will throw in for free 8 Tourist Covers, including a solo use of the 2/6d KGVI to NZ. Average retail for a very ordinary Pitcairn commercial cover is $75, this lot works out at around $68 per item and includes some very interesting and scarce usages, and the period covered is from the 1940’s to 2008. As I said an immediate display for you. Contact me for further details. Price $2400 


AU5) Australia 1962. Solo use of 2/3d Commonwealth Games on small airmail letter to Germany. Cancelled by Sydney Christmas Slogan of 12 DEC 1962. Cat. $75 on cover. Price $49


AU6) Papua New Guinea,1952-58 Pictorial Definitives Series Set Of 16 Mint Unhinged, nice Post Office fresh. Retail $250, my price just $189


AU7) Australia. Bulging green Trafalgar 32 page Olde Tyme stockbook, containing mostly decimal accumulation. Strength from 1980 with birds series in multiples to $1, similar in Reptiels and Butterflies, various commem. sets complete in multiples to 1986. Probably around 3000 styamps or so, so at around 2.5c each must be good value! $69 the lot!


AU8) Great Britain, bulging FDC album, with first day and special event covers from 1970 – 1978, most with better cancels and cachets, such as Windsor for Royalty covers, Lords on Cricket, Houses of Parliament on Parl. Conference, etc. Very high catalogue value. 70 plus items, under $2 per cover, price $139


AU9) Big Red Stockbook, with mint unhinged collection (odd cto not counted) of Hungary fairly hard to find 1958 – 1971 period. Very clean and attractive lot, mostly good thematics. Looks pretty extensive for the period. Catalogue value must be vast, rarely seen Mint Unhinged. Counted 85 plus sets/minisheets, I see this stuff retail elsewhere at $7 to $8 a set! under $2 per set, price $169


AU10) Canada in Ancient (1930’s/40’s) very sturdy Ring Binder, containing basic collections of Canada, India and Papua New Guinea form Queen Victoria to around mid 1970’s. Few 100 stamps. Cheap and cheerful lot, price $39


AU11) Australia simplified used Collection in VST Album, commencing basic Kangaroos to 5/- , KGV Heads to 1/4d, then most KGV period complete ex. 5/- Harbour Bridge. KGVI is complete inc. 3d White Wattles, Robes and Arms sets, as is QEII Pre-decimal excepting the Navigators 1 & 2 pounds. Decimals are virtually complete 1966 – 1986. Some AAT on Hagners at back. A great starter collection at a very reasonable price. $269   


AU12) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo, Die IIA, fresh used example, with large part original gum, and Strong Offset on reverse under the gum. Cat $600 for mint, unpriced used. Lovely item. $495


AU13) New Zealand, used collection on stack of Hagners in Maroon Binder. Commences perforated QV Chalons, with 2 x 6d, then 2nd sidefaces to 1/- , 1920 Victory set plus Admirals both shades of the 2/- blue plus the 3/- Violet, then a fairly complete run through to 1991 with Christmas, Healths and Lighthouse issues at the back plus other revenues inc. QV to One Pound Pink, and Arms series to One Pound Salmon. Also a few decimal Arms with multiples of the $10. A very interesting lot with huge retail value! Many 100s. Price $189


AU14) Great Britain 1840 1d Black, plate 4, in horizontal pair, (Pairs are scarce!) cancelled with nicely struck Red Maltese Crosses, AU14) unplated, lettered CI – CJ, this pair both with 4 margins. Price $1100. 


AU15) Final of these pairs of 1d blacks, this in the scarcer Grey Black shade, and with Black Maltese Crosses. Lettered EC – ED, both are 4 margin examples, close at bottom. Price $1175.


AU16) Australia 1920 3rd Wmk 1/- Blue-Green, SIDEWAYS WATERMARK, lovely block of 4, top row very lightly hinged, lower two are unhinged. Centered a little high, as is usual for this stamp. Cat. $200 each for hinged, and unpriced for unhinged, but other items in this periods are normally near 3 times the price, so around $1600. Never seen a block so nice before! Price $975.


AU17) Christmas Island, Mint Unhinged Collection on Seven Seas pages. Virtually complete 1958 – 1978 Coronation issue, less a couple of cheap Christmas sets. RetaiI $170 plus. Price $115


AU18) Papua New Guinea 1952 – 1978 collection on Seven Seas Pages, mostly complete mint unhinged from 1963, with a few used. Nice lot, pages would have cost $100 or so. Stamps retail  $230 plus plus. Any incomplete sets have not been counted in the retail. Price $149


AU19) Norfolk Is. 1947 – 1978 Collection mostly mint unhinged on Seven Seas pages. Mainly complete but with a few gaps, good for expansion. I have only counted the full sets in the retail of $280 plus. My price $189     


AU20) Australia 1908 5/- Green Postage Due, with stroke. SGD59, Cat. $95. Lovely well centered, ful perfs and “socked on nose” with scarce Perth Poste Restante cds, 7 AUG 09. Price $72


AU21) Australia 1964 10/- Navigator, overprinted 15.5mm Specimen, on cream paper mint unhinged. OVERPRINT MASSIVELY MISPLACED INTO PERFS AT LHS. Never seen this before and is not catalogued. Stamp is perfectly centered.  STRIKING ERROR! Cat. $1500 as normal, Unashamedly asking $3000.


AU22) Nauru Collection on Seven Seas Pages 1924 – 1978. Virtually complete mint unhinged 1954 – 1978. Retail is $220 plus plus, my price $149


AU23) Australia 1918 Two Pound Purple Black and Crimson Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, Overprinted Specimen Type B, mint lightly hinged, centered high. With Shaved C on curvature, not recorded in the ACSC catalogue. Cat $500 as normal. The damaged C for type C Specimen is cat. At $1000. Price $595  


AU24) Australia 1928 1/4d KGV Turquoise small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5 in a horizontal strip

 of 3 on large linen backed parcel piece, with additional horiz pair of the 3d, and a vertical pair of the 1.5d Swan. Total franking of 4/9d. The 1/4d on cover is cat at $400 in the ACSC. A scarce piece cancelled by Ship Mail Room Melbourne 7OC 9 (29, the 2 being missing from the date slug!) A few wrinkles, but a very scarce piece. Price $295


AU25) Australia 1948 5/- Arms, thin paper horizontal strip of 3 POSTALLY USED! Never ever seen a multiple of this in 50 years of stamp dealing, must be a very rare usage. Left hand stamp thinned at top, otherwise fine. Cat $125 each as singles. Must be worth full catalogue. Supplied with normal for comparison. $375.  


AU26) South Africa Collection in Maroon Lighthouse Springback illustrated Album, 1910 – 1973 postally used. Has been haphazardly put together, with some duplication, plus some covers. Worthy however of expansion. Album cost $295 years ago! 200 plus stamps, selling at the secondhand value of the album, the stamps are free! Price $139


AU27) Australia 1929 Parcel piece, bearing 6 x 6d Chestnut 3rd wmk Kangaroo in vertical pairs plus 1d Green small multi. Wmk. The 6d as a single cat $150 on cover, and $15 each as single stamps. Cancelled by Sydney late fee cds of 13 NO 29. Clean and attractive, price $98


AU28) Australia 1913 1st wmk 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo postally used with cds cancel, indistinct but PM 4.30 NO 3 can be discerned. Faint red registered crayon mark does not affect fine appearance,

Well centered with fresh colour. Few nibbed perfs at lower left. Has the variety “Break in Bight” ACSC 42 (D) t, cat $700. Price $349


AU29) Australia KGV 4d Orange, Inverted wmk, MLH, Cat $80, cheap at $45


AU30) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo, postally used with slightly smudged cds, but with clear date of 24 JA 14 and full perfs. Cat $250. Nice budget stamp, price $69


AU31) Australia 1929 small multi wmk 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, nicely used, well centered and full perfs, two partial cds cancels. Kangaroo slightly misplaced upwards with “Wet Ears” variety. Retail for fine used is $175, this one $135


AU32) Australia 1999 Navigators Minisheets (2) mint unhinged, Perfin. A99, cat $100 in Comprehensive Cat. My price just $29 the pair, 5 pairs for $129


AU33) Norfolk Is. 1960 Local Govt. 2/8d, SG 40, in mint block of 4, hinged on top 2 stamps only. Retail $100, price $69


AU33a) As above, but cto with gum, retail $88, price $59    


AU35) Australia KGV, 1d Green C of A wmk, Overprinted OS, in a mint unhinged left marginal block of 8. Centered low, with appearance of almost imperf between the vertical rows. Nice fresh appearance. Cat $160. Price $119.


AU36) Norfolk Is. 1970 Birds definitives, SG 103/17, in mint unhinged Horizontal Pairs, nice! Retail $100, price $69


AU37) GB 1940 Airmail censored cover to Sydney, re-addressed to Grafton, bearing 2/6d Brown KGVI plus horizontal pair of 1/- Bistre. Cancelled by cds of Gillingham, Kent, 24 OCT 40, and arrival cds of Penrith, NSW 14 NO 40. Attractive cover. Price $75


AU38) Western Australia 2d Orange rouletted, SG30, mint with original gum. Oxidised, but still a scarce stamp, cat 700 pounds in 2013 part one. My price under 20% cat, $259


AU39) Victoria, 1854 1/- Red & Blue registered, vfu 4 big even margins with barred numeral cancel. Cat 190 pounds in 2013, and retails at $160 for 3 margin examples. This one $165


AU40) Australia Kangaroos. 170+ mixed kangaroos.  Mostly 3rd & Small Multiple watermarks, some 1st also. Mixed Condition, some with faults, most not. Values to 5/-, incredible value at under $2 per stamp! Price $329


AU41) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 1st wmk, perf small OS, mint lightly hinged, well centered and good perfs. Couple of tone spots on reverse, very faint on face. Cat $1500, very cheap at $295


AU42) Australian States, mixed bag of around 500 of mostly letter rate values of the larger states. Last time I had these they sold out in record time! Good for postmark, shade, perforation and variety hunters. Less than 30c a stamp, $149 the lot, double lot for $269


AU43) Australia 1d Green KGV Single wmk, perf OS in unused block of 25. Retail for mint hinged is $14 each = $350, Unchecked for varieties. My price just $79


AU44) Australia 1929 KGV 4d Greenish Olive, Ash Imprint Pair, mint lightly hinged, from Plate 3. Block of 4 cat $300. Price $59


AU45) EAST GERMANY, HUGE Collection: 1949-1990 collection in three near new top quality red padded peg fitting Schaubek illustrated albums, these alone cost near $900 to buy. Largely complete to 1970 mint or used, then apparently complete mint including Minisheets to 1989, a few used and the odd empty space in 1990. High thematic content & massive CV with approx 3000 stamps here.... this is a great opportunity to obtain a near complete collections and the albums in one fell swoop! The catalogue value 20 odd years ago was around 1750 pounds = approx. $3150 today’s exchange rate (29/7/16) So adding up the cost of the albums and the catalogue value of the stamps you get to over $4000…I am asking a bit over new cost of the albums, the stamps you get for next to nothing!  $995 the lot!


AU46) Netherlands Mint Unhinged Collection 1946-1995 in quality Davo Album and on a pile of Hagner sheets. Valuable collection with correct SG Cat of  £1,505 = $A2700 at today’s exchange rate 29/7/16 in a $200+ when new Davo Hingeless album, in hard slipcase. Stamps mostly look fine and fresh. A great start at a near complete Post War Dutch collection at a GREAT price. near $A3,000 Cat of stamps, and a decent $200 album - all for just $A795


AU47) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Green C of A watermark, in 2 distinctly different Ash Imprint Gutter Blocks. The first with Jubilee Lines and the text in a bold type. The second without Jubilee Lines and a much lighter typeface, and a slightly different font. Both hinged only in gutter, stamps are fresh mint unhinged. Unusual! Price $129 the two.


AU48) New Zealand high values on paper. It is several months since we had any of this…we used toi get 1-200g per month. This time it is only 50g. One lot only Price $64


AU49) Australia 4d Red Embossed QEII small Postal Stationery Enelope uprated and registered by 2 x 10d Slate QEII, with cds of Semaphore S.A.  to make 2/- total franking. Dated 5 MR 57, which is the first day of issue of the 10d stamp. Has been slit open at top. Possible accidental FDC, price $29



AU50) Australia 1966 Navigators Specimen Overprints, the Scarce 75c & $1 smaller 15mm overprints, mint lightly unhinged, retail $175, just $89


JL3) Germany, collection of all periods  on album leaves1800’s to around 1990, with Greater Germany, West Germany and East Germany all well represented. About 800 stamps, mostly used with some nice complete sets. Very good value at $49


JL7) Norfolk Is. on Hagner pages in padded Australia Post red ring binder. Commencing 1947 Ball Bays with sets to 1/- both mint and used. Wide array of later issues to 2005 with some light duplication and many mint sets, with values to $5. Counted 60 plus complete sets here, good value at $129


JL9) USA Silk first day cover collection in dark blue Cumberland padded ring album. Covers the period 1982 – 1984 and appears complete. 105 unaddressed Colorano silk covers, values to $9.35 Airmail. Lovely lot, a little toning on a very few covers.  Huge retail, my price well under $1.50 each, $149 


JL11) Norfolk Is. Collection on Minkus leaves complete except white paper ball bays, 1947 – 1986 mostly mint, with a few used. Then some 1987 issues on Seven Seas hingeless leaves. 90 plus complete sets, with all definitive sets and minisheets included

Price under $1.50 per set, great buying at $129


JL12) Christmas Is. Collection on Minkus leaves, virtually complete mint or fine used from 1958  SG1 to 1986, with some later issues on Seven Seas hingeless pages. All definitive issues and minisheets are also there. Total of 40 plus complete sets, under  $1.50 per set, price $59


JL13) Lighthouse Green 64 page stockbook, containing collection of Pacifics, with Fiji, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Christmas Is., Solomon Is., Gilbert & Ellice Is., new Hebrides, Vanuatu, Penrhyn, Tuvalu, Pitcairn, Aitutaki, Cook Is., Samoa etc. Mostly mint unhinged, with a few hinged or used. A few toning issues in first couple of pages, otherwise fresh and clean, covers the period 1937 to approx.  1986.  Noted imperf and double overprint errors. A host of material here, counted 200 plus complete sets and minisheets, including many long definitive sets. Magnificent lot for a reseller all at under $2 per set average.  Price $395


JL15) Cocos (Keeling) Islands collection mainly mint unhinged in Red Lighthouse padded album, as new, retail for this near $250 alone!  Appears complete 1963 – end 1992 with a few later. Odd toning in first two pages, but otherwise a very fresh and clean lot.

Have only counted the retail of stamps from 1976, which is $1000 plus! So with the album a total retail of around $1250….my price under 50% includes the 1990 provisional set of 7, retail alone  $325....$595!


JL16) Australia Mission Mix, an older lot, to the 45c period with good variety, most on single well trimmed paper. As much aas we can cram into an Australia Post 3kg satchell! Very Cheap Price $59,

5kg Satchell for $95


JL18) Australia 1928 3d Kookaburra minisheet, lightly hinged on top two stamps and in selvedge only, this is from the centre of the complete sheet, and therefore has perfs all around the margins. Only one in 15 can be in this format. Unlike so many of these, this one has fresh white gum, no toning! Price elsewhere up to $225, this one $165.


JL19) Queensland 1860 1d Carmine Rose SG 4, perf 14 -16. MNG. Cat 2500 pounds in 2013 (AUD$5000) Missing from 99.99% of all collections! Tiny closed tear at base, if you can spot it! Great spacefiller at under 5% cat. Price $249


JL21) Australian States mint & used collection in Seven Seas Album. Condition is mixed and appears to be put together on budget. Commences Sydney Views, set of 3, spacefiller quality, then NSW perforated issues about 50% complete, inc. some ovpt. OS.  Queensland commences like NSW with the trio of Chalon Imperfs spacefillers, then Chalon Heads to 2/- Blue (MNG) Cat $250, large Chalons complete set to One Pound, 5/- is mint, balance largely complete used. South Australia commences with 1d Chalon

Imperf, again spacefiller quality, then a fair showing of later issues, with many Ovpt. OS. (No Long Types) Tasmania and Victoria continue along similar lines with many good pickings inc. Vic. 1/- Registered stamp plus 1884 definitives complete to 2/6d. WA mint and used ranges to 1902 5/-. A very good lot  at the price, approx. 375 stamps, under $2 a stamp, price $749


JL22) Australia 1913 4d Orange yellow Kangaroo, fine used and well centered, Hobart cds of 13 MAR 15, and unusually perfin T. (Tasmania Official Use) Retail $75 as normal. Price $110


JL25) Australia Censored 1942 Italian Prisoner of War entire letter on official stationery, from an Italian Soldier to his mother, begins “Carissima mamma”  dated 24 Nov. 1942, franked by 1/- small Lyrebird and cancelled “Australia Military P.O. Myrtleford”  and rubber stamped in purple with “Services of Prisoners of War”, Approved for Transmission by Camp Commander” and “No. 5 P.W. Group MYRTLEFORD” Rare survivor as little would have found it’s way back to Australia. Price $165


JL26) Australia 1936 small Airmail advertising cover for the Bank of New South Wales, franked by 6d Large Kooka and 3d C of A wmk KGV.  To Kuala Lumpur,  Malaya, and re-addressed  via Chartered Bank of I. A. & C. (India Asia & China) printed label, to Mallacca. Cancelled by Sydney Airmail Section  GPO Slogan, 28 JL 1936. Price $110


JL28) Early lot of Space, seems to be 500 odd stamps here give or take, with many complete sets and minisheets, mostly form the 1960’s & 70’s. Some mint, most cto. Many stamps I have not seen before. Price $129


JL29) Hong Kong KEVII Ovpt. Specimen group, 1c, 2c, 4c & 8c 1903, plus 4c & 10c 1907., all mint lightly hinged, cat 150 pounds each, $1800. My price just under 25% of cat. $449


GREAT BRITAIN POSTAL HISTORY: The next 11 lots are all small neat covers in fine clean condition.


JL31) GB 1857 4d Rose Carmine, wmk large garter, no corner letters SG66 on entire with Barred numeral 27, London to Marseilles 24 MAR 1859, with arrival datestamps Calais and Paris both 25 Mars 59 and Marseilles, date unclear. Cat 210 pounds = $420 on cover, price $139


JL32) GB 1867 3d Rose, SG 102 wmk spray plate 8 lettered TG on small entire London to Lyon with oval advertising cachet “ Louis Descrand & Co. London”  cancelled by clean strike of duplex 88 of JU 25 72. Arrival stamps of  Paris 26 Juin 72 and Lyon 27 Juin 72.  Cat 110 pounds on cover = $220, price $69


JL33) GB 1876 2.5d Rosy Mauve SG 141 wmk orb, plate 15 lettered NB on small envelope London duplex  DE 29 79 to Vienna with arrival cds JOSEFSTADT 31 12 79. Cat 110 pounds on cover = $220, price $69


JL34) GB 1873 3d Rose SG 143  wmk spray plate 14 lettered MH on small envelope Glasgow – Berlin, cancelled by Glasgow Duplex 159, JY 30 74 and with arrival cds of Aug 2.  Reverse has embossed oval “Arthur & Comrie 78 Queen Street Glasgow “ Minor tear at top and part flap missing. Cat 75 pounds on cover = $150, price $37.50


JL35)  GB 1873 3d Rose SG 143  wmk spray plate 15 lettered HB on small mourning envelope cancelled by London Duplex No. 1 of 26 SP 74 to Paris, with arrival cds of Calais 27 SEPT 74 and Paris on the same day. Neat and clean, cat 75 pounds on cover = $150, price $49


JL36) GB 1882 small entire, Charing Cross , London – Paris, bearing 2.5d Blue QV SG 157, Plate 23, lettered GI, cancelled by Charing Cross Squared Circle of JU 10 82, and with oval cachet “Forwarded by Coutts & Co.”  Arrival cds of Paris on reverse 11 Juin 82. Fine and clean, cat 55 pounds on cover = $110, price $35   


JL37) As above, but lettered LB, from London EC, with duplex  FE 10 82, and arrival cds of FE 12 82. No cachet. Price $32


JL38) GB 1868 Small envelope bearing 6d Lilac, plate No. not visible SG 104/7, cancelled by duplex  890 OF Windsor  DE 12 68. To Princess Henriette of Schleswig Holstein,  Castle Primkenau, Silesia. The reverse with sealing wax royal coat of arms in red, with embossed crown in black above.  Believed to bear the handwriting of Princess Alexandra of Shleswig Holstein, later Queen Consort to King Edward VII who had married him as Prince of Wales 5 years earlier and lived at Windsor Castle . Scarce piece of Royal Postal History.  Stamp cat. 190 pounds on cover = $380. Price $325


JL39) Australia 1932 6d Typo Kookaburra in Ash Imprint Gutter block of 4, hinged in selvedge and on one stamp only. Cat $200, price $149


JL40) Australia 1938 5/- Robes thick paper mint unhinged Commonwealth Imprint Block of 4, left margin missing, cat $150, or $80 as single stamps, price $59




JL41) Victoria 1861 small cover bearing 4d perforated beaded oval SG 95 cancelled by indistinct barred numeral backstamp arrivasl cds in red Melbourne OC 5 61. To Major General Sir. Thomas Pratt,  Sir Thomas Simson Pratt (1797 – 2 February 1879) was a British Army general. He served in the First Anglo-Chinese War (1839–1841), in India from 1843 to 1855 where he was deputy adjutant-general at Madras, and was Commander of the British Forces in Australia from 1856 to 1861. He was promoted to Lieutenant-General on 31 May 1865, and to full general eight years later. He was Commander of the British Forces in New Zealand from 1860 to 1861, and was on the Executive Council. He commanded during the First Taranaki War, but as he realised the doubtful validity of the Waitara Purchase (the main cause of the war), he disagreed with Governor Gore Browne, and his military action was ridiculed by the local settlers. He was created K.C.B. for his services in New Zealand by the British Government. He returned to Australia as Commander of the British Forces in Victoria, and in 1862 was appointed Colonel of the 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, which he held until he retired in 1877. Great piece of military postal history, price $159


JL43) Queensland 1860 6d Dark green Chalon, perf 14-16, wmk Large Star, SG6, nice used example, cat 70 pounds = $140. Price $89


JL45) Queensland 1860  1d Carmine Rose & 6d Yellow Green Chalon, perf 14-16, wmk small star, SG12 & 18  nice used examples cat 75 pounds = $150, price $98


JL46) Australian States accumulation mint & used on Hagner sheets, unchecked for perfs/wmks etc, many pickings inc. Qld Chalons, 20 to 1/-, WA to 2/- & Tasmania to 5/-. About 165 stamps, great value at well under $2 per stamp, price $295


JL53) As above, in imprint blocks of 4, lower left, generally hinged on top two stamps per block.  Odd fault, and minor thins to 2d & 3d values. These retail unhinged at $160 so very cheap indeed at $34.50


JL58) Papua New Guinea,  clean mint unhinged collection in near new Blue Lighthouse 64 black page stockbook retail approx. $65. Commencing 1962 Malaria set is a bit sparce to 1972 then a good degree of completeness (approx 75%) to  2000, with some scarce overprints noted. Retail of the stamps is $900 + +, My price very cheap at $395 the lot!


JL59) Norfolk Is. Mint unhinged collection in green padded Seven Seas Album, 1947 – 1987.  Complete per Seven Seas catalogue. Lovely clean lot, with album alone retailing around $275 and stamps at  $950 plus, a total retail value of over $1200 for just $489


JL60) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink 1st. wmk Kangaroo, superb mint lightly hinged, well centred and fresh, with variety “Broken Coast near Sydney”, ACSC 47(D) d, cat $2750. Finest you will see. Price $2149


JL62) AAT.  Australian Antarctic Territory Bulk -- 1957-2014- a 3 volume AAT collection, loveingly acquired over a lifetime of collecting. Contains mint, fine used, fdc's, gutters. Pre-decimals some in blocks, pre-decimal covers, Registered covers etc. nice lot. The decimals include stamp packs, gutter strips, commercial covers, base covers, a real mixed bag.  The retail value of the decimals mint is more than $1750 alone, plus the value of the albums plus there are loads of full used sets, gutter pairs, blocks, miniature sheets used as a bonus and loads of FDC's.  My price a very low $1559


JL63) Australia 1948/49 5/- - One Pound Robes Thin paper set, mint unhinged. Cat $265, retail $235 one set only, my price just $165


JL64) South Australia, 1865 1/- Lake Brown, SG42, mis-cut, rouletted, so that “Postage” appears both at top and bottom of the stamp. Stunning variety, I sold something similar years ago through

Prestige Auctions for $1000! This may well be the top half of an imperf between pair, cat at $3000 used. Price $295


JL65) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Overprinted OS, mint lightly hinged. Cat $575, retail $475, my price $359


JL66) Australia 1916 5/- 2nd wmk Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, inverted wmk, with repaired Telegraph Puncture, also pre-printing horizontal paper crease. Cat at $750 for Inv. Wmk, cheap at $279


JL73) Australia 1942 1.5d Green Queen Elizabeth on plain “Accidental” first day cover, Melbourne Machine cancel of 1 Dec 1942 to Burwood E.13. Vic. On small commercial envelope. Cat $800!

Price $595


JL74) Australia 1929 5/- Small Multiple Kangaroo in combination with 1d green KGV Head and 6d Purple Kingsford Smith, on Commercial 1931 First Flight Cover  to Portland Cement Co. London, with official Cachet for Experimental Airmail 24/4/31. 5/- very rare on cover, cat $1200. Price $1139


JL75) Australia 1934 1/- Vict. Cent. Perf 11.5 on small Airmail cover to England in combination with 6d Typo. Kookaburra to make 1/6d Airmail rate, tied by Sydney Airmail cds of 14 JA 36. Very scarce commercial use, the 1/- cat. $350 on cover, price $259


EJ4) Australia 1923 Halfpenny Orange Single wmk marginal block of 8, mint unhinged with Inverted wmk. One stamp with minor toning. Cat $200, price $115


EJ5) Australia 1929 1.5d Swan, in mint unhinged imprint block of 6, with variety “re-entry to swan’s neck and T of Australia. Cat $175 for variety alone. Price $129


EJ6) Australia 1930 Sturt 1.5d in complete set of 8 Plate Number blocks plus imprint block of 4, very fresh, lightly hinged on just 1 stamp per block. Cat $135, price $98


EJ9) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d in complete set of 8 Plate Number blocks and 3d plate 2 block, all superb Mint Unhinged cat $290, price $215


EJ10) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d Red in superb mint unhinged half sheet of 40, Cat $200, price under a half $98


EJ12) Australia 1926 1.5d Red Small multi wmk perf 14, lower right corner mint unhinged horizontal pair from plate 1A, on translucent paper,  cat $300. Price $225  


EJ16)  Australia 1927 1.5d Red Small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5, top right plate dot blocks of 4, for all plates 1 – 4, mint unhinged, very minor faults,  cat $220 as hinged. Priced very reasonably at $189


EJ17) Australia 1924 4.5d Pale Violet, dry ink, in Mullet Imprint Block of 4, mint no gum. Dry ink catalogues only as used, at $250 per stamp. The imprint block of 4 cat $475 for hinged mint. Ice item, very cheap at $295


EJ19) Australia 1924 1.5d Red KGV, in No Imprint gutter pair, mint lightly hinged. Block of 4 cat $400. Price $129


EJ20) Australia 1918 Halfpenny Yellowish Green KGV Large Multiple Wmk, in top marginal gutter strip of 14, unhinged except for perf reinforcement on 3 stamps. Cat approx $500. Price $349


EJ21) Australia 1923 KGV Halfpenny Orange, single wmk in Harrison imprint pair mint lightly hinged, from Electro 9, with variety “Break in top frame left of crown” cat $1275 as block of 4. Price $45


EJ21) Australia 1924 1.5d Red KGV single wmk  in Harrison two line Imprint strip of 7, 5 stamps are unhinged. Cat $500 as imprint block of 4. Has perf reinforcement at left. Attractive piece. Very cheap at $125


EJ22) Australia 1926 1.5d Red KGV single wmk in Mullett imprint pair, mint unhinged. Left stamp with blunt top right corner perf. Cat $375 as a block of 4. Price $75


EJ25) Australia 1926 1d green KGV single wmk in Mullett Imprint pair mint unhinged from plate 4, with variety “RA Joined” Cat $175 as hinged block of 4. Small Tone Spot on non-variety stamp.  Price



EJ27) Australia 1920 1/- Kangaroo 3rd wmk, sideways. Mint unhinged right marginal example, centered left. Cat $200 as hinged, unpriced for unhinged. Very good value at $179 


MMY1) Great Britain 1958 1st De la Rue Castles high values  set, SG 536a-539a, superb and perfect mint unhinged top marginal examples, beautifully fresh and well centred with good perfs, the best I have ever seen! Premium quality. Very rare and most likely the only set available for sale in Australia right now. Cat. $1200 plus, price $795


MMY2) Great Britain 1963 & 1967 Bradbury Wilkinson Castles High Values set, both watermarked and unwatermarked, the two sets, 8 stamps cat. $60 mint unhinged for just $29!


MMY6) Australia 1958 8d Kingsford Smith, on plain surface mail cover to the USA opened at top, with Qld. cds of 27 AU 1958. Correct usage rate to the USA and a fine example of an accidental FDC. Price $29


MMY7) North Borneo, collection on leaves, 1888 – 1984 cat 800 pounds = $1600 plus, handy ranges of all periods especially KGVI where half of the catalogue value is and includes the scarce 4c Postage Due, SAG D86 fine cds used. Any remaindered items are correctly accounted for in the catalogue price.  This is a well sought after area. Around 150 stamps, price $795


MMY8) Australia 1939 small airmail advertising cover for George Pizzey & Son, Melbourne to USA, bearing 3d Die 2 & 1/4d KGVI definitives, overpaying the 1/6d airmail rate by 1d and with “Airmail Saves Time” slogan of Melbourne 17 JNE 1939. Nice combination usage, the 1/4d on cover cat. At $40. Price $29


MMY10) New South Wales 1850 2d Sydney View, later impression, SG18, with 4 huge margins! Used with indistinct barred numeral cancel (39?) Cat 170 pounds, price $275


MMY14) VICTORIA Sg 31b; 1854-57 3d BLUE HALF LENGTH CAMPELL/FERGUSSON  printing  SUPERB very fine used, with clean strike of Butterfly cancel, 4 big margins. They do not come any better than this! Price $149


MMY15) Victoria 1857 Entire in very fine condition, bearing  4d Imperf  emblems  - SG43 - Early OHMS cover to Paymaster of Police Melbourne from Police Officer Horsham 6/4/57 with partial Horsham cancel on reverse, ands indistinct barred numeral tying the adhesive. Scarce and unusual, price $149


MMY16) Victoria, Registered Tattersall's cover to Tasmania, bearing 2d and 5d Victoria Commonwealth period SG 387 & 391 with cds of Flemington FE 25 01. Neat small cover. Price $29


MMY17) Australia 1959 Small Registered cover Ballarat to Melbourne, bearing 1d & 3d QEII Defins, plus 1/- Platypus to make 1/7d registered rate with Ballarat cds of 10 SEP 59. Nice tri-colour combination. Price $29


MMY19) Australia 1913 1st wmk  One Pound Brown and Blue Kangaroo, nice cds used example, well centered with cds of Gaffney’s Creek, Vic. 13 OC 14? A rare postmark for this High Value Stamp. Price $2650


MMY20)Australia 1918 3rd wmk One Pound Light Brown and Dull Blue, fine well centered full perf example with cds of 6 MR 19 Sth. Australia (town unclear) Price $1750


MMY22) Australia 1924 3rd wmk One Pound  Grey Kangaroo, well centered and good perfs, cancelled by 2 partial cds. Price for fine used around $425, this one just $275


MMY23) Australia 1931 – 36 C of A wmk Kangaroos, complete set of 7 values, 6d to Two Pounds, nice used set, the two pound is particularly attractive.  Just a few minor faults make this a very affordable budget priced set, usual retail for fine used $1450, this set just a half, $725


MMY24) Australia 1929 10/- multi wmk Grey & Pink Kangaroo, nice well centered used stamp with full colour. Just a couple of very minor perf faults make this a good budget priced stamp. Cat $700, this one under  a half at $349


MMY26) Australia 1918 10/- 3rd wmk  Grey & Deep Analine Pink Kangaroo, fine used light cds and well centered, with fluffy perfs as is often the case with this wmk, and minor corner thin spot. Cat. $375, bargain at $125.


MMY27) Australia 1918 10/- 3rd wmk Grey& Pink Kangaroo, nice used example with two partial cds cancels of Gympie, Qld. Centred right. Cat $500, price $249


MMY28) Australia 1916 2nd wmk 2/- Brown, good – fine used with 2 partial cds cancels, well centered and with good perfs. Cat $350, price $195


MMY30) Australia 1953 Produce Food set of 6 in mint unhinged part sheets of 76, being the top half, the central gutter and a block of 16. May yield some varieties. Could break up to produce 6 blocks of 9 and 4 strips of 3, retail is huge at $400 plus, my price just $249


MMY34) Australia 1953 Tasmania Stamp Cent. 3d in mint complete unhinged sheet of 120, noted perf pips at right.  Cat $140, price just $69


MMY39) Australia 1913 4d Yellow Orange, ACSC 15F, nice well centered stamp with partial Qld. Cds at top. Couple of ragged perfs at the bottom. Cat $150, price $69   


MMY40) Australia 1916 2nd wmk Kangaroos, set of 5 to 1/- all nice fine used, cds cancels. Retail $195, very reasonable at $139



MMY42) Australia 1913 1st wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, decent used example with cds cancel, Cat $250, under half at $119


MMY43) Australia 1914 6d Claret Kookaburra, lovely well centered with gum cto example, retail  $80, my price just $59


MMY45) Australia, absolutely magnificent, best I have ever seen! 1915 3rd wmk 3d Die II Kangaroo, with perfect  centering and perfs. With light cds cancel. Cat $200. Price $149


MMY48) Australia used collection 1927 – 1946, fine used and nicely written up on album leaves in vintage “Jackey” peg fitting album. Priced to sell at $380 plus with some items unpriced. Includes  most KGV & KGVI Commemoratives and definitive with 1934 Vic. Centenary in both perfs, 1934 MacArthur, 1935 Anzac, 1935 Jubilee, 1936 S.A. Centenary,1937 NSW Sesqui, 1937 Robes set to One Pound, 1940 AIF etc. A very good lot. Priced very well at $225       





MY1) NSW 1894, magnificent small cover, with “copper plate” handwriting bearing 2.5d  Ultramarine SG265, cancelled by Sydney cds of OC 19 94 to Boston, USA via RMS Miawera. Nice clean cover price $35


MY5) Cocos Keeling used in Australia. Small cover to Maine, USA with neat typed address bearing 4 x 6d small Kookaburra, no wmk. Tied by machine cancel of Melbourne 15 JAN 1957 via Airmail to Orlando, Florida. Correct 2/- rate. Highly attractive, price $29


MY6) Australia, Bowls thematic. Scarce Henshall & Son, manufacturer of Henselite Bowls small pictorial advertising cover, bearing 4 x 6d small Kookaburra, no wmk. Tied by machine cancel of Melbourne 15 JAN 1957 via Airmail to Orlando, Florida. Correct 2/- rate. Highly attractive, price $35


MY7) Australia 1947 local advertising cover for Jack & Jill florists, Railway Station Adelaide, bearing 1.5d green Queen Elizabeth, tied by Adelaide slogan “Send money by postal note or money order” with cds of 3 DEC 1947. Price $22


MY8) Australia Military, WWII dual censored small cover bearing 3d Blue Die II tied by AIF Field PO 15 to New York. Very attractive. Price $45


MY9) Australia 1932 Advertising  window cover for Yalumba Vineyards, bearing 1d Green KGV Head tied by cds of Angaston 26 OC 32 and with received stamp on reverse of 27 OCT 1932. Price $42


MY10) Australia 1933 small advertising cover for The Goulburn Seed & Nursery Company bearing 1d green KGV Head tied by Gouldburn 11 SE 33 cds to Vaucluse. Very attractive, price $25


MY12)  Guernsey 1944 WWII German occupation 2.5d Blue on FDC SG#3 - cat £15 for the used stamp. Top value of the set on clean small typed address cover.

Price $37.50


MY13) GB an accumulation including many blocks & multiples mint never hinged from 1950s to 1970s ( 1000 or so) inc. many complete sets both decimal and pre-decimal inc. better like 1963 Red Cross and FFH plus another 100 assorted used in fine clean ROYAL MAIL Stockbook and super quality mint sheet file, plus a couple of 5 pound prestige booklets for the Financial Times and Royal Mail. Price for the lot $289


MY14) Austrlia: Three albums of AUSIPEX 1984 stamps and related material and issues. AUSIPEX 84 was a MONSTER show, At the absolute height of the stamp boom globally and every stamp issuing entity was there.


Sydney Dealer Manfred Junge had the clever idea of making a set of superb albums to house these. He commissioned nice Gold Blocked Burgundy ring albums and has superb heavyweight parchment colour pages with the attractive “AUSIPEX 84” logo at top. Then he sourced all the gazillion of different stamp issues ,and proofs and stationary etc, made for the show.


Some of it was made in small numbers and have always been elusive.


There are things here like the Hungary perf AND imperf numbered sheets. Die Proofs, overprints and special issues. Pricey NUMBER sheets and covers. The always short supply issues like Lesotho Set of 5 sheetlets, Tonga, and all sorts of exotic places like Albania Cuba and Mongolia issues etc.


All fresh MUH. Also much special stationary etc.


Ex Deceased estate and the owner had receipts in there for $850 for these items, plus the albums cost close to $200.  So a total cost 30 odd years ago of $1050 for just some of this lot. About 150 pages of goodies it looks like, so my price around a very reasonable $4 a page….  $595


MY17) HHHolland. Unaddressed FDCs, all with full sets nice lot,  goes  around 1980, 40 different covers for $49

MY18) Australia Commercial covers, 4kg in weight, around 1000 covers I would guess bearing a wide range of commems and defins from the 33c to 50c period. Postmark possibilities abound! Mostly clean and slit open at top. A lot are from competition mail Nestle, Maggi etc. Selling at around 20c each… $195 the lot.


MY19) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut 1st wmk Kangaroo, superb Mint Unhinged, lower marginal example, clean white gum well centered and full perfs. I challenge you to find a better example! ACTUALLY BETTER THAN MY ITEM SE9, which you can buy at $475 less the discount of 25% = $356.25. But for this one cat at $550 I can sell at $479


MY20) Western Australia 6d sage green, rouletted. Lovely used example with light barred cancel in blue. SG32 cat 650 pounds. SG is way too cheap on these rouletted stamps.This is in a lighter shade and a bigger stamp than our item J22 which is priced at $1125.This one is better….price $1249


MY23) Australia 1915 5/- 2nd wmk Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, perf OS, used by Melbourne cds.  Well centered, with fluffy perfs, as this issue often is. Chopped tail. Cat $700 my price $295


MY24) Australia 1917 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, perf OS and cto, with full mint unhinged gum. Fresh with good perfs, centered high. Cat $200, this one  $149


MY31) Pitcairn Islands mint/unhinged collection on Seven Seas pages 1940-1967 complete. 1940 Definitives and sets to 1963 are lightly hinged, except the 1948 Silver Wedding which is superb mint unhinged. Retail is $370 counting the hinged at half price. A great lot for just $149


MY32) Territories & Pacifics 2000 – 2003 Mint Unhinged starter collections in Seven Seas Hingeless  Album. Comprises Norfolk Is., Nauru, Samoa, Papua New Guinea. Retail of stamps alone $200 plus plus. Bargain at just $119


MY34) Victoria 6d Orange- Yellow Woodblock, Rouletted all four sides, SG 57, lovely example with No. 1 Barred Numeral. Cat. 95 pounds. Price $139


MY35) Queensland 1d carmine-rose, SG1. Super 4 large margin example with light oval ring cancel., cat 800 pounds. Price $1275


MY38) Australia Northern Territory. Darwin to Finland Registered letter MR 6 73 serviced with $1.21 via an NCR label in red. These are becoming quite popular as they are rare to find. See Rod Perry’s column in May Stamp News. Price $42


MY39)  Germany, Saxony. RARE c. 1863 ish? Sachsen Entire ties 2 NGr  Blue Coat of Arms stamp with Meissen 19 OCT cds cancels on front, sent to Lauenstein Germany. Receiving cds on reverse. No contents. Lovely!  Price $59


MY40) Australia 1915 2/- Brown 2nd wmk Kangaroo, superior used example with corner cds. Nice centering and good perfs. Cat. $350. Price just a half, $175


MY41) France. 1935 Delightful Sepia Real Photographic Postcard used to Melbourne, Australia 12 x 1935 bearing 90c Le Pu yen Velay & 30c Green definitive. Nice! Price $29


MY42) Australia 1988 80c Living Together, Missing Orange (Sand and Juggling Balls) postally used. Uncatalogued and believed unique. Supplied with certificate of authenticity and normal for comparison. Price $1450


MY43) Australia 1913 1st wmk  2/- Brown Kangaroo, perf small OS postally used with 28 MY 15 cds of Melbourne. WEell centered and with good perfs. Cat

$500. Price $345


MY48) Massive World Collection in 7 large stockbooks each organized alphabetically, and appears all different in each book. 1000 plus in each book. Some nice pickings, early to modern. 7000 plus stamps at say 6c per stamp, $420 the lot.


MY49) Victoria on stockcard comprising full length Queen on Throne 1d green imperf x 2, 6d blue x 5 imperf and 5 rouletted, plus 4d Orange woodblock imperf, and 1d Apple Green Commonwealth period and 2/- Blue on blue duplex used, cto. 15 stamps in all. Condition a bit mixed, but got to be worth $10 a stamp. $149 the lot. 

MAP2) Australia 1932 10/- C of A wmk 10/- Grey & Pink, postally used with two partial  STEEL cds CANCELS of 22 DE 36. Well centred and good perfs, cat $300, price $229


MAP3) Australia 1932 10/- C of A wmk 10/- Grey & Pink, postally used with socked on nose with rubber Canberra cds of 4 JE 35. Lovely colour and good perfs, cat $300, price $239


MAP4) Australia 1932 10/- C of A wmk 10/- Grey & Pink, postally used with two partial Sydney  cds cancels of 1937. Lovely colour, well centered  and good perfs, cat $300, price $249


MAP5) Australia 1932 10/- C of A wmk 10/- Grey & Pink, postally used with two partial Sydney  1937 cds cancels of 3 NO 36 Lovely well centered  example, cat $300, price $254


MAP6) Australia 1932 10/- C of A wmk 10/- Grey & Pink, postally used with two partial Sydney cds cancels of 1937. Good well centered example with bright colour, cat $300, price $259


MAP6a) 5 x 10/- Kangaroos as above, MAP2 – MAP 6, priced to sell at $1200, save $100, $1100 for all 5 stamps.


MAP7) Queenland Imperf Die Proof of 1864 6d  Chalon Registered stamp SG 48 in issued deep green colour on cream unwatermarked paper. Very fine and fresh. Price $395


MAP8) Great Britain 1840 1d Black in the intense shade, with black Maltese cross postmark and 3 big margins. Unplated example, lettered KA and with nice pre-printing paper crease, unusual. Price $259 


MAP10) As new Box File crammed, yes I mean crammed! With approx. 1.5kg of World on paper quality charity mix, just received, all on close clipped single paper, early to recent,  totally unpicked as received and with great variety. I estimate 6000 + + stamps per kg, so anything up to 10,000 stamps in this lot. Magnificent value at under 2 cents per stamp, price $179


MAP11)  Another box file as above,  containing only Australia with maybe a smattering of foreign with mostly modern issues to 2015, good ranges of definitive and commemoratives. Noted unfranked and some better values. Count must be 5000 plus per kg, so around 7500 stamps for under 2c per stamp just $129


MAP12) Australia 1935 2d red Jubilee in mint unhinged imprint block of four from plate 2, with variety ea, retouch between IA of Australia. Cat. $375. KGV Jubilee issues are widely sought after. Price $149


MAP14) NZ Health Fdcs, 1936 & 1937 plus ANZAC 1937 pair also on fdc, very scarce. Lifebuoy stamp sadly has a missing left lower corner, but still very rare on fdc. Nice lot, price $49


MAP16) 1913 Halfpenny Green Kangaroo in mint block of 6, (3 x 2) with 4 stamps unhinged. Some gum bends but a scarce and attractive block, looks very nice from the front. Price $119


MAP19) Large shoebox with very nice World off paper mixture old and new, small and large. As donated to leading charity. Weighs 2.15kg inc. the box, must be 25,000 stamps with a great variety here.  Has to be worth 2 cents a stamp, price $495   


MAP20) Worldwide Cinderellas, Revenues, Reprints, Bogus issues, amazing lot of around 500 most if not all different, ranging from the 1940’s to quite recent. Priced under 20c per stamp, $98 per lot, half lot for $49.


GB 1883 1/- Dull Green. SG 196, vfu in correct colour. Cat 300 pounds, nice socked on nose cds, price $149


MAP34) Australia, magnificent lot of cto Commems ex PO presentation folders. Includes 1914  6d Claret Kookaburra,  3d Air type B, Sturt pair, 6d Brown Airmail normal and ovpt. OS, 1/- Yellow Green Lyre, 3d Vic. Cent. Perf 10.5, 1/- Vic. Cent perf 11.5, 2/- Jubilee, 2d & 1/- S.A., then perf OS….Canberra, 3d Kookaburra, 3d Airmails both types, 1.5d Swan and Sturt pair. A magnificent group, retail approx. $525, my price $349


MAP39) Tasmania pair of KEVII Newspaper wrappers in denominations Halfpenny Green and penny Salmon unaddressed and each cto Hobart 29 JAN 06 for the UPU distribution. Fine and scarce Commonwealth period items.  Maximum 400 produced. Price  $235


MAP40) Australia 1939 Dual Reign small Airmail cover  bearing 1/4d Turqoise KGV  And 3d Blue Die II thick paper KGVI. Scarce combination to New York via England overpaid by 1d, cancelled by neat cds of WATSONS BAY NSW AUST  3AU39 stamps appear hurridly applied and envelope a bit roughly opened, but a very scarce item indeed. 1/4d cat. on cover at $300 as the cheapest wmk (C of A) Price $249


MAP45) Australia Mining Ephemera. Comprising  ancient map reproduction of Eureka Street Ballarat (Vic) and two large original 1880’s official Notices “Application for a Gold Mining Lease” and  “Forfeiture of a Gold Mining Lease” the 1st printed by Robt. S. Brain (Gov’t printer) and the 2nd by John Ferres: John Ferres (1818-1898), government printer, was born 1 October 1818 at Bath, England, the second son of Robert Ferres (d.1820), printer. Read more here: Fascinating historical documents. Price $149


MAP47) Br. Commonwealth off paper mixture, mostly QEII period but with some earlier and from the larger nations,  a good mix of large and small with close to 15,000 per kg. 100 grams for $39, 250g $89, 500g $175 or 1kg for $329


MAP48) Malta off paper mixture. Fairly recent mix, with values to M2 pounds. Round 12,500 to the kg. Recommend you buy in 50g lots, as quite heavy duplication 50g for $39


MAP49) British Empire, pre QEII with a decent range of issues mostly postally used, but some mint unhinged spotted. This is a very scarce mix, with roughly 15,000 to the kg. Values to One Shilling. Does contain some Australia and GB. Price per 25 grams (350 – 400 stamps) $59, 50g $110, 100g $195.


MAP50) Australia Commemoratives  only on close clipped single paper. Approx 4000 per kg. Wide range of issues  to 2014. Very scarce now as few people are still actively clipping mail Price per 500g = $79, 1kg = $149, 2.5kg = $349


AP1) New magnificent stockbook offer!  Many of you will be unaware that Windmill and Importa the famous Dutch firm of Album and Accessory Manufacturers has ceased to exist. This means that the VST brand of stockbooks which were sourced form that firm will no longer be available. Other German manufacturers are now having stockbooks made in Hungary, and in our opinion quality has suffered. We do however have a great new item: Ka Be, one of the most respected German manufacturers now has a 64 black page padded binder stockbook, with double linen hinging. These retail at $66 each, however as an introductory offer we can supply at $55 each or $249 for a carton of 5. Colours available are Black, Dark Blue, Dark Green or Maroon. We only have an initial supply of 40 stockbooks so please be quick! 


AP8) Japan, very nice Commemorative Kiloware mix on single paper, very colourful and wide-ranging with excellent variety. Covers from mid 1970’s to around 2011 by the look of it. This is hard to come by, high count, around 4000 to the kg,  and excellent value at $54 per 100g, 250g for $129, 500g for $245.


AP12) AIF WW1 Military Mails: 3 amazing covers to and from  a Sgt. In the AIF 14th Field Ambulance:


a) YMCA cover, NO 5 16 censored cover to Mrs. B. R.  Rainsford at Wahroonga NSW.


 b) 20.1.16 Red cross Cover, to Sergeant  B Rainsford, at Gezira, Cairo, from Paris


 c) 20.1.18 Censored Cover  Australian Field Ambulance AIF France 1918, addressed to Bruce Rainsford, Sergent Fournier, 14th Australian Field Ambulance, Armee Australienne, en campagne, (in the field)  


As 2 are dated Jan. 20 are we to assume that was or was close to his birthday?


Magnificent grouping, price $269 the lot.


AP15) Victoria 1879 £1 Orange George and Dragon STAMP DUTY with oval date stamp in black OFFICE OF TITLES 11.SEP. 85. Price $29


AP16) Aircraft & aviation, collection of 300 different, colourful and mainly large, price $69


AP17) Nice little starter collection of 50 different Australian States. On our list at $56, special price $49.


AP19) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink C of A Kangaroo, superb used, with light cds cancel across top right third of the stamp. Good perfs, centering and colour, cat $300, you will not better this for $265.


AP22) Australia 1935 Anzac. Lovely illustrated FDC with both 1/- plus a pair of the 2d, to make 1/4d seamail rate to USA. Highly under rated, and missing from 99,.99% of all collections, in fact the1st I have handled in over 40 years of dealing! Another dealer has a plain FDC on his website at $420. This one $398


AP23) Australia 1935 C of A wmk One Pound Grey Kangaroo, lovely used example, with cds cancel leaving ‘roo clear and with good centering and perfs. Very fine stamp, cast $420 for just $298


AP25) Australia 1932 10/- Grey& Pink Kangaroo, C of A wmk, very fresh, mere trace of a hinge, good perfs and nicely centered. Very attractive stamp cat $700, this one $629 and worth every penny!    


AP28) GB 1840 1d Grey Black, SG 3 superb 4 large margined example with lightly struck red Maltese Cross cancel, from Die 1a, lettered F L , a better example you will not easily find. Cat $100, price $549   


AP29) GB 1840 1d Intense Black, SG1, superior quality 4 margin example, with lovely centrally struck red Maltese Cross cancel. Unplated, but most likely from one of the later plates. Lettered H I, Minimum  catalogue $1050. Price $398


AP30) GB 1840 1d Black, SG 2, budget priced stamp, very attractive, no faults, with 2.5 margins, neat black Maltese Cross cancel, unlettered, but most probably from an early plate. Lettered A L, Minimum catalogue $750. Price $169


AP31) GB 1840 2d Blue,SG5  nice 4 margin (close at left) with clean strike of black Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered BL. Min. Catalogue $1800, price $649


AP33) Australia 1917 3rd wmk 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo oveprinted Specimen mng, type.B , Perfect centering and perfs, great colour. Cat $600, price $349  


AP37) Australia Green Certified labels, in mint unhinged block of 25 (5 x 5) very

rare to see these! Numbered U 5055 to U 5071 in reverse as issued. Price $29


AP38) Victoria 1858 6d Orange Woodblock on cover to Ireland. Nice clean 2 margin example franked by barred numeral 1 of Melbourne to Mallow, Co. Cork, via Dublin with arrival cds of  AU 16 1858. Scarce and attractive, price $195


AP39) Western Australia 1960’s  2/- brown swan revenue in fiscally used block of 18 (6 x 3) Unusual. Price $39


AP40) Western Australia 1d on 2d Yellow SG 172 in mint unhinged block of 9. Minor toning on reverse does not detract from fine facial appearance. Price $39


AP42) Australia KGV 5d single wmk on reg’d cover with red registered label, Preston, Vic. 1 SEP 1923 to St. Kilda, with 3 boxed instructional markings: Not known by postmen St. Kilda, Not know by letter carriers Caulfield and Unclaimed St. Kilda. Eventually ending up at the Melbourne Dead letter office eon 12 SP 23. Lovely! Price $119


AP44) Australia 1916 5/- Pale Yellow and Grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, perf OS, cds used, Sydney Rly Stn, Late Fee, 28 OC 21. With Kangaroo Misplaced downwards, in exactly the same position as the known 10/- of this issue, though not recorded for this value. The 10/- cat. Price is $5000. This one $2950.


AP45) Australia  1915 5/- Grey and Yellow Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, mint lightly hinged, showing Albino Kangaroo on reverse, and also Double Perfs at left, which is unrecorded for this stamp. Lower left corner a little blunt, mentioned for accuracy only, as this is due to the double perforation. Catalogue price for a normal mint example is $1500. Price for this $1250.


Ap49) Australia 1913 1st wmk 3d Yellow Olive Kangaroo, Die I, perf small OS, neat cds cancel. Cat. $100, my price $75. 


AP52) Victoria 1879 – 1900 One Pound Orange St. George and Dragon stamp duty, fine mint without gum, retail $600, very cheap at under 15% retail, $89.


AP53) Australia KGV 4d Lemon, mint unhinged, retail $600, but gum has sadly been sweated, nice budget buy at under 20% retail. $119.


AP54) Australia 1.5d Red KGV, no watermark in block of 4, two unhinged. Cat $75, has minor gum wrinkles, but otherwise fresh. Price $49.


AP55) As above, but type A, no imprint, mint hinged. Cat $400. Ideal for comparison with the above, has a couple of missing perfs at right so only $79.


AP56) Australia 1941 2d Purple KGVI positional block of 4 with Medallion flaw on bottom right stamp. Variety stamp is Mint unhinged. Gum is toned. Cat $150, cheap at $59.


AP57) As above, but nice unhinged single, Cat. $150, my price $110.


AP59) Collection of 500 different Finland, with new 32 black page stockbook, worth $32.50. The 500 Finland on my packets list is $140 alone, so at $129 this is a great deal!


AP60) New Zealand Dealer stock in 2 Green 64 page stockbooks, organised by SG number and priced. Duplication with around 5 or 6 of some stamps. Strength in KGV period onwards, goes to around 2008. Many 1000s, with values to $10. Excellent lot for re-seller, hoarder or researcher! $675.


AP62) New Zealand Charity, an older mixture on close cut single paper with issues covering the period 1975 – 1995 approx, plenty to interest here in postmarks etc. Normally $90 per kg, now $60 per kg,  500g for $35, 250g for $20


AP63) GB 1840 1d Black, four margin, unplated, and just a little close-ish on the margins, but still  very nice stamps. Letters available are : SG (Stanley Gibbons!) or  KI Cat $750. Price $399 each


AP64) GB 1d Blacks with Black Maltese Cross, 4 margins and lettered NE or SF Price $399 each


AP63) GB 1d Black A superior example, with 4 nice even margins, unplated, lettered OK! Price $449


AP65) GB 1d Blacks. Now we come to the three margin examples, Intense Black, lettered FK, unplated and with centrally struck Black Maltese Cross, Cat. $1050. Price $295


AP66) A further 3 margin example as above, with red Maltese Cross, Cat $750 lettered RB. Price $329 each


AP67) Again as above, we have 1 other example, which has minor faults, not visible from the face, if you just want a nice looking stamp to fill a gap. Lettered EA,  this priced very modestly at $149


AP68) 1915 5/- Grey & Yellow 3rd wmk Kangaroo, perfect centering and full perfs, cancelled with rubber Hobart cds. Attractive stamp, retail $175, this one just $119, NOW REDUCED TO $95


AP69) Twopence Halfpenny 1st wmk Kangaroo, superb used, full perfs, colour and well centred with clear Rialto Vic cds of AP 17 14. Price $26


MM8) TASMANIA 1935 SMALL AIRMAIL COVER bearing  1934 3d & 9d MACARTHUR,  plus  strip of 3 x 2d Anzac making 1/6d rate to ENGLAND, cancelled by 9 AP 35 Devonport cds, neat clean cover. 9d alone catalogues at $400 on cover. Price $329


MM9) VICTORIA Sg 17b; 1851 2d Dull-brown Half-length.  Ham Printing 4th State "Vertical Drapes" .

VFU with No Faults. Fine 4 margin example, cancelled by clean complete strike of No. 1 (Melbourne) Butterfly cancel.  Just superb! $249


MM10) Western Australia  Sg 1, Sc# 1; 1d Black Swan Superb VFU 4 margins with neat numeral cancel 1 of Perth cv $500++ Nicest you will find! $350


MM11) Denmark, 700 different, back in stock again, price $79 (1 only available)


MM12) Ireland, 500 all different , lovely new collection just arrived, very hard to find, price $245 (under 50c per stamp)


MM18) Australia 1927 small registered cover, bearing 6d Chestnut 3rd wmk. Kangaroo to  Coogee to San Diego USA, cancelled by full clear strike of Coogee cds, 24 AUG 27. Arrival cds of Sep 19 1927. Fine and attractive with red Reg. label No. 2495. Cat $150. Price $97.50


MM19) Australia 1937 3d KGVI Die II thick paper, mint unhinged, fine and fresh.  Cat $75, price $55


MM20) Australia pre- decimal commercial mail, range of frankings, mainly single usage definitives and commemoratives, 1930’s – 1965. Will contain postmark interest and some better items. Around 100 covers, condition variable. Price $299


MM22) Australia 1943 Censored Red Cross message service  Airmail Cover to Geneva bearing 5/- Robes and 9d Platypus, cancelled by square duplex type cancel of Melbourne 8 MCH 1943. With red print "3 OPENED BY CENSOR" tape and violet diamond "3/PASSED/BY/CENSOR/250" Scarce and attractive item, price $96


MM23) World Mission on paper, from a new source, early to modern with most on single close clipped paper, well worth a look at around 2.5c per stamp, approx.  5000 to the kg,  price per 250g $35, per 500g $65, per kg $125, 5kg for $595, 10kg for $1125


MM24) Similar to above, but with some off paper and some on torn rather than clipped paper, same prices as above.


MM25) TASMANIA 1900 Set of 6 MINT LETTERCARDS, 2d Pictorial on pale blue stock with a different view on the reverse of each.  Believed less than 300 sets produced, this is a nice clean set in fine condition, just a little toning around edges in places, all that I have ever seen have this. These are on eBay as single cards at $125 each, sets normally get a lot more. My price, as I bought them quite well just $595 the set!


MM27) Tasmania, 1853 1d Blue Courier SG 2,  fine 4 Margin VFU, nicest I have seen in a very long time!  Cancelled by neat barred numeral 68 of Hobart. Cat $2600. This is way more attractive and superior in every way to an SG1 on another dealers website at $1900, however there is a small expertly repaired hole at the centre, where a hinge has been carelessly removed. Price would have been $1650, now just $649


MM28) New South Wales,  NSW 1854 8d DIADEM IMPERF, SG97 Golden Yellow,  FINE USED with 3 Huge Margins, and showing part of adjoining stamp at the top, proving this is not a cut down perforated stamp, as so many of these are. Cancelled by oval rings NSW handstamp. Scarce and attractive, cat $2800. Price $1495


MM31) Budget offer For Booklet collectors. 1927 Canberra Booklet of 16 x 1.5d Canberra, one stamp removed. Cover and stamps as usual have some tone spots. Retail if finer $140, this one just $39


MM32) As above but containing only 3 stamps, price $29


MM33) Australia 1952 small neat typed address surface mail cover bearing 5d on 4.5d Violet KGV, plus 3d Red sideface KGVI to make 8d rate to USA.  Has been neatly opened at top. Scarce dual reign commercial cover, cancelled by a clean single GPO Sydney cds of 27 FE 52 the 5d alone being cat at $200 on cover. Price $149


MM35) Australia 1945 (Mar) OHMS Dept of Air Redirected Cover to RAAF HQ Prahran. From Group 10 Darwin to Officer In Charge Records RAAF Headquarters Prahran Vic then cancelled and inscribed D. Manning with 5½d indigo Duke and Duchess of Gloucester with CDS ""AIR FORCE P.O./8MR45/NO. 20" and 3 x indistinct CDS "AUSTRALIA/??" with reverse inscribed "PEACE 1945" and "2½ SURCHARGE" Nice military/aviation item. Price $79


MM36) Australia 1931 Airmail Cover, Carnarvon, WA to Yalbalgo Station Carnarvon. These covers are highly sought after. Yalbalgo is one of the largest sheep stations in WA, and the mail must have been delivered by aircraft. This cover bears 6d & 1/- Kangaroos, plus 3d KGV all with small multiple wmk, Perf 13.5 x 12.5. The 1/- is cat.  $250 on cover, and the 6d at $150. Nice clean, fresh item. We sold a similar cover recently for $395, this one is just as nice, price $349


MM38) Australia 1928 part parcel label,  bearing 6d Tasmania Tablet and 3d Blue Kookaburra, canclelled by cds of 9 DE 28 in Violet, believed to be Hobart Parcels Branch, but rather indistinct. Very scarce combination usage of State and Federal stamps. Price $149


MM40) Victoria 1854 Imperf 6d Dull Orange Woodblock, SG32a. Almost 4 margin mint example without gum, just touching at left hand side.  Very fresh looking, tiny scuff at top left does not detract from appearance. Cat $1000. Attrasctive and scarce, price $295


MM41) Victoria 1854 Woodblock, 1/- Red & Blue registered stamp,  4 margins used, with clean strike of V oval handstamp. Budget priced at $149


MM44) Victoria 1884 – 1901 1/- Stamp Duty, pale blue on pale yellow, fine mint lightly hinged. Retail $200, my price $149


MM45) Australia 1918 1/- 3rd wmk Turquoise Kangaroo, fresh mint unhinged, cat $275. Couple of nibbed perfs at top and a bit of a gum bend, hardly visible form the front make this a great budget buy at $98


MM47) Australia 1918 3rd wmk 3d Yellow Olive Kangaroo, Die II, mint unhinged, cat $800. Light overall gum toning. Nice budget price stamp at $259


MM48) Australia 1918 2d & 2.5d 3rd wmk Kangaroos, both mint unhinged. Cat $150, nice budget pair with only very minor imperfections, price $79


MM50) Australia 1930/31 5d Chestnut KGV Heads, Smalll Multi Wmk and C of A wmk mint unhinged, in very differing shades. Cat $190, price $139


M1) Lighthouse Dark Green leather look Padded 3 ring binder as new, with gold blocking Australia and Kangaroo on face and spine. Contains 28 x double sided White Vario de-luxe sheets 5 and 6 strip. Some of these are a little aged, but mostly fine. Retail when new $140 plus. My price just $42


M2) Seven Seas Australia Brown Padded hingeless album, 1966 – 1989, in good condition, a few mounts strips will need replacing at beginning. Retail if new around $250, very cheap at 25%, just $62.50


M3) Australia 1930 Magnificent Airmail Cover  Perth – Yalbalgo Station, Carnarvon, with cds of Perth 4NO30 bearing strip of 3 x 5d KGV Small Multi Wmk, and 2 x halfpenny orange to make 1/4d Airmail rate. Very scarce cover, we sold a similar item recently for $395. This one $349


M4) Another cover to Yalbalgo Station, from Perth with cds 2JE37, bearing 3d Blue SA Centenary and 2 x 1d Green Queen Elizabeth Die 1. This one far more modestly priced at $45


M5) Australia 1946 small airmail cover, Wahroonga, NSW cds 31MY46 bearing marginal horiz. Strip of 3 1/4d Magenta KGVI, to Washington DC, USA. Rate form Mar. 1946 for Airmail all the way was 4/-, so thisd 2d overpaid. Scarce and attractive, price $120   


M6) Australia 1937 KGVI 3d Blue “White Wattles” on small airmail cover, Brisbane 19/8/1937 cds – Perth, together with 2d red KGV to make 5d rate. Rare dual reign cover, the 3d being cat. $500 on cover. Price $375


M7) Australia 2000 Olympics Athletics PNC. Very scarce, and cat. $120. Price $95



M8) Luxembourg. Lovely collection of semi-postal issues virtually compete from 1921 to 1991. Well over 400 different stamps with a CV of over £3,000 = $6000 plus. The used are generally all very fine used/CTO. Postally used of many of these are almost non-existent & CTO is the only realistic way to collect them. Virtually all complete sets. The mint Pre-1939 are mixed hinged & unhinged. Generally the hinging is pretty light. 1945-1954 are mixed hinged & unhinged, any stamps displayed inverted are hinged. Generally the hinging is light, with just one of the late 1940's sets being heavily mounted. 1955-1991 are all mint unhinged. A chance to buy at under one third of catalogue for this superb lot, price $1950.


M9) Australia 1913 1st Wmk Kangaroos, 4d, 5d & 6d, all superb Mint Unhinged, post office fresh with white gum. The 5d is particularly well centred and a premium stamp. Cat. $2150. A rare opportunity to buy these in a group.  Price $1595


M11) Australia 1915 2/- Brown 3rd wmk Kangaroo, with “S” Flaw, very scarce stamp, lightish parcel used,  cat $450. Price $335


M12) Australia 1932 9d Violet C of A wmk Kangaroo fresh Mint Unhinged, well centred for this most are way off! Cat $125, price $95


M16) Australia KGV 4d Orange Single wmk, fresh mint unhinged, cat $125, price $95


M24) Another 5/- Bridge, but fresh mint unhinged, Cat $1500, price $1125


M25) Australia 1934 Vic. Centenary  perf 11.5 set, mint unhinged, cat $150, price $110


M26) As above, 3d value in Ash mint unhinged gutter block of 4, inc. “Flag” variety on lower two stamps. ACSC 155za, Cat $225 price $169


M27) Australia 1935 Silver Jubilee set, fresh mint unhinged, Cat $115, price $89


M28) Australia 1935 Anzac Pair, fresh mint unhinged, cat $100. Price $76


M29) Australia 1936 S.A. Centenary set, fresh mint unhinged, cat $45, price $33


M30) Australia 1937 1/- Lyrebird, perf 13.5 x 14 in imprint block of 4, centre of sheet. Mint hinged, cat $400, price $275


M31) Australia 1937 Robes 5/- Thick paper imprint block of 4, **/* hinged on  

Top two stamps only, cat $90, price $65


M33) Australia 1937 Robes One Pound Thick paper imprint block of 4, **/* hinged on top two stamps only, cat $500, price $375


M35) Australia 1948 Robes 5/- Thin White paper imprint block of 4, **/* hinged on 

Top two stamps only, cat $75, price $55


M36) Australia 1940 AIF set mint unhinged, cat $60, price $44


M37) Australia 1940 KGVI  3d blue, die III, mint unhinged, cat $60, price $44


M38) Australia 1948 Arms High Values 5/- to Two Pounds, fresh mint unhinged, cat $325, price $249


M39) Australia 1963 Navigators 4/- to Two Pounds mint unhinged, at $210, price $159


M41) GB 1840 2d Blue SG 5a, with variety, double corner letters, 4 margins, close in places lettered O A . Cat $2300. Very scarce stamp, under 20% catalogue, $495


M43) Australia 1913 1st wmk Twopence Halfpenny Indigo Kangaroo, mlh, retail $70, this one centred low, half price, just $35


M45) Australia 1929 Small multiple wmk 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, perf OS cto with gum, very attractive stamp. Retail $225. My price $169.


M47) Australia 1913 6d Blue 1st wmk Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged, retail $130, my price just $85.


M49) ) Australia 1915 6d Ultramarine 3rd wmk Kangaroo perf OS, mint hinged, retail $120, my price under half just $59.


MF3) All new World Mission mix 20kg just arrived, on close clipped paper, very high count with about 7000 to the kg. Plenty of higher values and smaller countries like Finland and Vanuatu noted. Mixture spans over 40 years and is the widest variety I have ever seen in such a mix. Got to easily be worth 3c to 4c a stamp, so here goes: 100g for $26.50, 250g for $62.50, 500g for $118, 1kg for $225, 5kg for $1069, 10kg for $1995.


MF4) Solomon Islands, Mint Unhinged starter collection of 100 different, mainly in complete sets and minisheets, 1980’s & 1990’s, great thematics here inc. Military, planes, ships, yachts, royalty, Olympics, sports, UPU, birds etc. 12 minisheets and approx. 60 stamps you will never see again at this price, $49 the lot. (5 lots available) 


MF5) 100 different Christmas Island, on my packets list for $100, 1 lot only for $69


MF6) 1500 different Australia, back in stock again, only 5 available. New content, price $109


MF7) 125 Different Australia pre- decimal, lovely lot, only $8.50 per packet. 


MF10) Spain 1500 different, back in stock again, price $179


MF16) Queensland mixture of around 150 off paper, mixed condition, values to One Shilling, nice variety, unchecked for perfs, shades, varieties etc. Price $129



MF17) As above New South Wales, approx. 300 for $179


MF18) Australia Collection in Green Binder on Seven Seas Pages, contain lovely used collection, with many cto from Official folder. Noted, simplified Kangaroos to 5/-,  3d & 6d Kookaburras cto, KGV 4.5d Die II cto, Kingsford Smith pair ovpt. OS and nearly  all KGV Commem period cto (No 5/- Bridge) Robes sets both thick and thin paper, Navigators set of 8 inc. white papers, then virtually complete to end 1975, all cto or very fine used. A great lot. Price $1425


MF20)  Victoria 1857 6d orange Roulette 7-9 Raymonds Machine (4 sides) exceptionally rare! Roulette by Calvert on all four sides, the roulette type, very fine points, are identical to the Raymond Machine. It is believed that Calvert perforated only a few such 'experimental' sheets. Extremely rare with only a small number recorded or seen. This copy has four full and generous margins, is 'full bloom" colour and nicely cancelled with barred numeral 1 of Melbourne. This roulette type is exceptionally rare and not even catalogued.  The stamp has been plated and is position number 41 on the plate of 5- (25 x 25) This stamp has no thins, no creases and is in perfect condition. Price $495


MF21) Victoria 1857 small cover to London, bearing 2d & 6d Woodblocks, with 3rd adhesive sadly removed. “Per Colombian” V1 cancel of Melbourne, and oval JY 22 on reverse, vermillion arrival paid cds on face 25 SEP 1857. Attractive and rare early cover. Price $169


MF22 ) Victoria 1879 – 1900 Stamp Duties Melbourne Printing Perf. 13.  Postally used 3/- Olive – Drab, with Shepparton cds of AUG 3 98, also 5/- Claret on Yellow with Sandhurst cds, and 10/- Brown on Rose with indistinct cancel. Possibly fiscal, together with 2/- Blue, postal use but trimmed down one side and 3 different shades of the 1d. All on a well written up album page. PrIce $79


MF25) Australia JL 3 1920 3d 3rd wmk Kangaroo Die I on small cover Sydney to Sweden, with “The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for Australia and South Sea Islands Sydney”  cachet on flap, arrival handstamp for Nybro, 31 8 20. Clean and attractive cover. Cat $100 on cover, price $69   


MF27) Australia 31 JAN 1930 cover Sydney – Chicago, bearing 3d Blue KGV SMW perf 13.5 x 12.5, perf OS, Type A. Cat $150 on cover. Price $110 


MF32) 1929 Small Multiple wmk 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo fine commercially used with clear 12 AU 31 Collins St. Melbourne cds. Centered a little left, but a very scarce stamp in commercial used, cat $700, price $575


MF34) Australia 1934 Victorian Centenary  3d blue, both perfs, each in mint unhinged marginal block of 4, retail $80 as singles, price $59


MF35) Australia 1949 Halfpenny Orange no watermark Kangaroo corner  Imprint Block mint unhinged with Coil Perf. Very scarce, cat $100. Price $69


MF36) Australia 1958 Memorial Pair, lower marginal block of 4 (2 pairs) together with 2d Green Queen Elizabeth (QM) to make 2/- Airmail rate to UK, on small Airmail cover to Portswood, Southampton UK, with Melbourne Boxed machine cancel of 18 MAR 1958. A pair is rare on cover, this is almost certainly a unique combination usage. Price  $249


MF39) GB 1925 Wembley 1d used on front of picture postcard “A typical bungalow in the colony Sierra Leone” posted at the exhibition with special Wembley slogan to Onehunga, New Zealand. Rare usage. $96


MF41) GB 1948 Channel Islands Liberation set of 2 on neat printed Dealer first day cover. Very scarce to find in such fine condition.  Price $37.50 each


MF43 ) South West Africa, 1937 Coronation set of 16 in Bi-lingual pairs, on illustrated registered FDC Windhoek – Johannesburg.  AS FRESH AS THE DAY IT WAS PRODUCED! Magnificent addition to any Royalty Collection.  A less attractive similar cover with damaged corner appears on eBay at $51, my price $49. (5 available)


FE3) TASMANIA - 1892: complete MNH pane of 60x ½d orange/mauve QV Key Plate issue SG 216 - some minor imperfections include a few gum spots, some perf. separation on the bottom selvedge and a hint of creasing in the same are (please view largest image). Overall condition and appearance is still excellent - total c.v. is £125+ = $275. Priced well at 40% cat. $110


FE11) Great Britain 1939 – 48 Square High Values set of 6. Both 2/6d values are mint unhinged, also the 10/- light blue and one pound. 5/- & 10/- dark blue are lightly hinged. Retail $450, price $329


FE12) Great Britain 1951 Festival High Values, set of 4. 2/6d & 5/- are light hinge, 10/- & One Pound mint unhinged. Retail $90 Price $69


FE13) GB 1959 One Pound Windsor Castle. 2nd DLR printing. Mint lightly hinged. Retail $80, price $59  


FE14) Great Britain 1971 1/2p Machin, left phosphor band, ex One Pound Wedgwood Booklet, with perfect perfs, (not trimmed as most of these are) Mint Unhinged, SG X842, retail $55, price $42



FE19) Two x Royal Mail super quality padded postcard albums, in Olive Green, as new, each with 50 brand new 2 division double sided  Hagner style sheets. Space for up to 400 Postcards or Covers. Retail value for new albums, plus the Hagners would be $315, price under a half $149


FE26) South Australia. Two early Postcards, with undivided back with views of The Exhibition Buildings Adelaide (Sadly demolished 1962 to make way for University Buildings) and  The  Congregational Church North Adelaide (Thankfully still standing!) Both used to London from Adelaide (different addressees) each bearing 1d Queen Victoria and Halfpenny light green definitive. Superb condition for postally used! Price $54 the two.


FE27) Australia 1928 3d Kookaburra minisheet, on First Day Cover, cancelled by two strikes of the red exhibition cancel with clear 29OC28 cancels to Nyngan NSW. Small clean attractive cover, sheet has a little surface gum seepage. Cat. $1000, good buy at $695


FE29) P.R. China 2003 Prestige Booklet Launch of 1st manned Chinese spacecraft Snenzhou.Very scarce, the only ones of these I have ever owned! 1 only left price $37.50.


FE34) Great Britain Commemoratives 1953 – 65appears complete mint lightly hinged. (3d Nature week is fine used) Retail approx $70, price $49


FE37) Australia 1937 5/- Robes on thin white paper, imprint block of 4 mint unhinged, cat $100, price $69


FE39) Australia 1936 Submarine Cable pair in mint unhinged imprint gutter blocks, low value hinged in gutter and just touched on one stamp. Very fresh. Cat. $120, price $89


FE41) WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1879 Queen Victoria 6d TELEGRAPH 6d fine postally used with light barred P.O. in circle postmark. Dealers retail from 5 years ago $475. Very scarce indeed and the first we have ever handled in such nice condition. Australia leading dealers rarely have this in stock. Price $425


FE45) Australia 1934 MacArthur set of 3 on Registered Illustrated 1934 Victorian Centenary Philatelic  fdc to Timaru NZ, with registered Public Offices Victoria C2 Label No. 264. Also Public Offices cds 1st Nov. 1934. Scarce and attractive. Cat $550. Price $395


FE46) Australia 1937, 3d Blue KGVI Die I, 6d Kookaburra & 1/- Lyrebird on small plain registered FDC, Enmore NSW to Christchurch NZ. No toning as usually seen on these covers! Retail in this condition $200 plus. My price just $125


FE48) Syria, in the news and hopefully soon in your collection! Nice packet of 100 different, with many earlier. 3 lots only available price $57.50


FE49) USA, 3c Purple  THOMAS JEFFERSON – Scott #807 Full sheet of 100 Mint unhinged Double Perf Shift Error.. in two directions. Very impressive. Image shifted up and left, resulting in dramatic double (vertical and horizontal) perf errors on all stamps. Hard to find this error in full, fault-free sheets as the stamps are usually broken up into blocks or pairs. This mint never hinged sheet has full original gum with no perf. separations nor missing selvedge. Block of 4 currently on sale on Ebay for up to $225!  Offered at One Third the price of this block, the complete sheet for $1875.  Blocks of 4 available if the sheet does not sell at $95 per block, please enquire.


FE55) New South Africa Mission Mix, on close clipped single paper just arrived. 250g for $25, 500g for $45, 1kg for $80


FE56) Ireland, Commems and large on paper, from our “other” source, guaranteed unpicked, but is on heavier paper. We only have 1kg of this, be quick! 250g for $90, 500g for $170, or take the lot for $325


FE57) Channel Is. / Isle of Man on paper, nice close trimmed, single paper, mostly large. Once again we only have 1kg of this. 250g for $49, 500g for $85, or take the lot for $165.


FE59) Western Europe, all large and commemoratives superb off paper mixture. Just received we only have 2 kg of this, and the only consignment of this we have had in the past 2 years. Very wide ranging, and at about 12,000 to the kg works out at about 6c per stamp, 100g for $79, 250g $187.50, 500g $372.50, 1kg $740


FE61) Really superb and guaranteed unpicked off paper mixtures just received, you will be extremely pleased you purchased these, from under 2c  per stamp. Supplies are very limited. Worldwide.  Approx 1000 for $24.95, 2500 for $59.50, 5000 for $110, 10,000 for $199, 15,000 for $295.


FE62) Amazing lot of old British Empire, mint unhinged, in blocks of 4. Just surfaced after major dealer’s retirement, this lot is all 65 years old or more, all issued from the 1920’s to around 1950. Absolutely No India, Pakistan, Great Britain or Australia. This lot will include smaller islands, complete sets, and some semi-postals. Countries like Cyprus, Mauritius, Seychelles, NZ, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tonga, Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Values to 1/- and priced from under $2 per block, you could easily pay $5 to $10 per block for many of these if purchased singly. My clearance price, and we only have a few lots is as follows, the larger lots will have better values and scarcer stamps included.: Lot of 25 different blocks, $49.


FE63) Australia 1934 MacArthur, mint unhinged set of 3 (no dark hills 2d) usually $120, now just $89, or the set of 4 with dark hills usually $145 for $109


FE64) Australia 1929 6d Small Multi. Wmk Kangaroo, perf OS, Mint Unhinged, normally $75, now just $55.


FE65) Australia KGV 5d C of A wmk, Ovpt. OS, mint unhinged, usually $75, now just $55.


FE66) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary, 1/- perf 11.5, mint unhinged marginal block of 8, some faults, 5 stamps are fine, two have minor toning, and one with an ink spot. Normal price $120 per stamp. Very cheap at $450.     


FE67) Australia 1931 Brown 6d Airmail, ovpt. OS, mint unhinged, normally $50, now $35 each (2 only at this price)


FE68) Queensland, attractive collection of postal stationery comprising Postcards (14) Lettercards (9) Reply Cards (2)  and the scarce 4 corners reply card, H & G 6a (unpriced in the catalogue) Clean and fresh original lot all mint, 26 items. $795, now reduced to $635.


FE69) Bulk lot of mainly Australian stamps, covers, albums etc, decimal and pre-decimal as cleared ex deceased house recently. Nothing spectacular noted but heaps of fun especially if you love stuff in bulk to sort! This is quite an amazing varied lot. We are parceling out in 3 sizes: a) 5kg lot $129, b) 10kg lot $237.50, c) 20kg lot $449  


FE70) A similar lot to the above, but all World: a) 5kg lot $129, b) 10kg lot $237.50, c) 20kg lot $449


FE71) Bulk Prinz mounts, buy at big discounts. Each pack contains a variety of sizes at around ONE THIRD of what it would cost to buy individual packs. Please note that this offer is for CLEAR MOUNTS. A 500 Gram Pack contains around the same amount of mounts as in 15 regular packs of strips. Elsewhere these are selling at up to $89, my price 500 grams just $74, 250 grams $39, 1kg for $159. (I do carry a full range of Prinz Mounts both clear and black so just let me know what sizes you want if you prefer to buy in individual packs)


FE72) Tweezers, famous Solingen German Manufacture, the one dealers prefer, 150mm pointed ends supplied in protective sheath. RRP $16.50 per pair, my price NEAR HALF at $8.50, or two pairs for $15. (Dealer special 10 pairs for $62.50)


FE73) French Colonies, old packet of 100 different, mostly if not all pre-independence. Made up near 50 years ago! Usual retail around $12, my price just $7.50 per pack, or two for $12!


FE74) Old tyme dealers packet stock, mostly single sets in Glassines priced to sell at up to $1.50 each some 30 odd years ago. These are Worldwide mainly thematic sets, in cto condition. A chance to buy at a HUGE DISCOUNT, there will be some duplication in these lots. 100 packets mixed, $150 retail for $49, Triple sized lot, $450 retail for $99.


FE75) Victoria 6d Woodblock, 4 margins on 1858 small neat cover Melbourne to Dublin, tied by Barred Numeral 1. Melbourne oval departure cds Jan 6 1858 and Dublin arrival cds MR 16 1858 on reverse. Sent “Per Colombian” Stamp has been affixed inverted, which would probably be to alert the addressee of bad news. We had a similar cover on last month’s list which I could have sold 3 times over, this one is nicer, as is to a way scarcer destination. $395, now reduced, just $295.


FE76) GB 1955 Waterlow HV Castles, MLH cat 225 pounds, price $125.


FE77) GB 1951 Festival HVs set of 4, SG 509/12 MLH, cat 100 pounds, price $57.50.

FE78) Australia & Victoria Postal Stationery collection, 104 items, mainly postally used in album. Highlight is 1d Red octagonal envelope uprated to Celebes, Dutch Indies,  (addressees name deleted. Nevertheless very scarce) Most of this is KGV, with some nice uprates to Holland. Terrific value at under $20 per item, $1950.


FE88) Australia 1960 Girl Guides 5d, with offset, ACSC 377c, From a possibly unique block of 48 mint unhinged. Cat. $75 per stamp. I have seen a block of 4 on eBay recently offered by a well known Sydney firm for $175. Blocks of 4 at $149 or singles at $39.  


FE93) Western Australia 1861 4d Vermilion, cds dated SP 27 1867. SG40, retail $350. My price $198.


FE100) World on paper, our popular mix of mainly large, as received from overseas. We only get around 2kg of this each month. Close clipped single paper in the main. Count will be about 4000 – 5000 to the kg. 100g for $29.50, 500g for $129, 1kg for $250


FE101) New Zealand 1925 Dunedin set, MUH, Retail $135, my price just $98.


FE103) GB 1883 1/- Dull Green, correct colour, with fine RANDWICK GATE EDINBURGH cds. SG 196, cat $650, nice lightly cancelled example worth a 100% premium according to Gibbons, but from me just 15% $195. 

MJN1) P R China, 1997 Year Set in Official open out folder. 98 stamps and 4 minisheets all mint unhinged. Price $121.50 (3 available)


MJN2) P R China, 1998 Year Book, officially sealed shrink wrapped. Contains 75 stamps and 1 minisheet. Price $121.50 (3 available)


MJN33) Australia 1937 1/- Lyrebird, perf 13.5 x 14, Imprint block of 4, with the longer 42.5mm imprint. Hinged on top two stamps only. Retail $450, price $335


MJN34) Australia 1948 Arms high values, complete set of 4 to two pounds, in Imprint Block of 4, mint unhinged, some gum creasing, largely invisible from the front. Very attractive group, cat $1800, price $1395


MJN36) Australia 1963 – 5 Sterling Navigators, Set of 6 in matching lower corner blocks of 4, mint unhinged. Retail $750, price $649


MJN37) Australia 1929 3d Air type 1, top corner plate 4 block of 4, mint unhinged and Post Office Fresh! Cat $125, price $95 


MJN38) Australia 1932 1/- Large Lyre, scarcer yellow green shade in imprint block of 4. hinged on top two stamps. Gum a little aged. Retail $525, price $395


MJN39) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary set, perf 10.5  in mint unhinged gutter imprint blocks of 4. Cat $660. Price $495


MJN40) Australia 1935 2/- Silver Jubilee in top right plate 1 block of 4. Huinged only in selvedge. Cat $550, price $395


MJN42) Australia 1914 6d Kookaburra in part imprint horizontal pair, fresh mint unhinged, retail $500 as singles, price $375


MJN43) As above, but hinged (these are from a separated block of 4) Retail $95 each, price for the pair $139


MJN44) Australia 1936 SA Centenary set in fresh mint unhinged gutter imprint blocks. Cat $270, price $199


MJN45) Australia 1934 Macarthur 9d in fresh mint unhinged gutter imprint block, caT $575. Few nibbled perfs at top. Attractive piece. Price $429


MJN46) Australia 1936 NSW Sesqui. Set in mint unhinged blocks of 4, the 3d being a gutter imprint block. Cat $195, price $145


MJN50) 1937 10/- Robes in mint unhinged imprint block of 4, Cat $250. some very minor tone spots. Price under a half $124 


J1) Australia Super Quality Mission Mix, just received from a New Charity Source. This mix is clearly unpicked, wide ranging and goes to end of 2013, with many 60c and 70c commems. To be seen. Also lots of unfranked, high values and some foreign noted. Mostly on single paper, with variable trim, some on torn paper. This is a genuine lot, sold exactly as donated.  We have less than 20kg of this available. Count will be high, maybe up to 5000 per kg. price per 500g $49, 1kg $89, 2.5kg $209, 5kg $399, 10kg $749


J6) Australia 1913 10/- Deep Pink and Grey 10/- 1st wmk Kangaroo, socked on nose by slightly heavy Melbourne 19JE18 cds, late usage, scarce and attractive, full perfs, centered a bit low. Much deeper shade than is usually seen. Cat. $1100, cheap at below 75% cat. $795.


J8) Western Australia 2d Orange Swan Imperf, SG 25, lovely mint (no gum)  Block of 4 with 4 margins. Blocks are very rare. Cat $1100, price $749


J9) Western Australia 2d Yellow Swan, SG 77. Mint unhinged top right corner marginal block of 4, very fresh. Cat $350 as hinged. Unhinged are worth 3 x the price! Price $449


J10) New South Wales 1856 6d Registered Stamp, Orange and Blue, SG 105, superb 4 margin example very fresh with vignette perfectly centered (uncommon!) with lovely clear Rays cancel No. 26  of Shoalhaven. Cat $450, price $345


J11) Australia 1937 Robes One Pound in vertical fine used strip of 4, with cds cancels. Well centred, and with very minor faults to top two stamps. Scarce! $89


J16) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, multiple wmk perf OS, corner cto, full perfs and well centered. Lovely! Cat $225, price $175


J18) Australia, Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Company Limited advertising covers, 1940’s to 60s vintage, Seven long covers, all overweight and taxed with various postage dues, all tied by cds cancels. Values to 1/-. Rare assembly! $239 the lot


J22) Western Australia 1860 6d sage green, Rouletted. Very fine used with small part blue duplex cancel, clear roulettes on 3 sides, imperf at top. SG32, cat $1350, one of the nicest examples I have seen. Very minor faults do not detract. Price $1125


J24) Victoria 1880’s Stamp Duties, postally used, comprising 6d Blue, 3/- Grey, 5/- Purple, 5/- Red, Two Pounds Blue. Lovely group. Retail $325, my price $289


J26) Postal stationery Newspaper wrapper: c1953 PTPO 2½d blue QEII for Sydney Stock Exchange uprated with 2½d QEII stamp, used. These PTPO wrappers in blue were only used by the Sydney Stock exchange, ACSC cat $200 for normal wrapper + premium for being uprated – scarce. Price $210


J27) NSW Government Tramways 6d Packet stamp on pre printed Sydney Morning Herald cover to Circular Quay cancelled/tied by Newtown newsagent hand stamp. These 'URGENT' envelopes were used for sending advertising copy for inclusion in the SMH, roughly opened at base, a rare cover. Price $210


J29) Victoria 1870 5/- Blue Long Type Stamp Statute, pen cancel 26/8/78. Very fine condition. Price $89


J30) As above, 2/6d orange yellow on piece, with Purple oval handstamp, Registrar Generals Office 5 MAR 1879. Rare! Price $210


J32) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon 3rd wmk Kangaroo, perfect Mint Unhinged, fresh with full perfs. and perfectly centered. Melbourne retail for premium centering $850. My price $649


J33) Iceland Packets, back in stock after quite a while, always good sellers. These do not appear on my packets list and we only have one of each.  All postally used 400 different $98, 600 different $159


J34) Sweden, 1500 different used, One only, very cheap, under 15c a stamp at $219


J35) USA 1893 50c Colombus, Scott. 249, mint part OG, well centred and with full perfs. Tiny thin spot at base. Cat $750. Price $126.50


J41) USA 1893 Columbus 1c to 8c good used, mixed centering (7) 2015 cat $154.50. Price $69


J42)  USA 1893 Columbus 10c, 15c  & 30c Mint, some faults, $139 the group.


MD3) Australia 1940 AIF set, in imprint blocks of 4 */** top two of each block lightly hinged, except the 2d value, which are all unhinged. Cat $275, nice lot. Price $195


MD4) Australia 1934 Victorian Centenary set of 3, cto with gum, retail $50, price $37.50


MD5) Australia KGV general issues perf OS and cto. Set of 6, less the Airmail type B. Retail $75, price $49 (2 available)


MD7) Australia KGV General issues, cto. Comprises: Canberra, 6d & 3d Kooka, 3d Airmail types A & B, Swan, Sturt pair, 6d brown Airmail, 1/- Large Lyrebird in both shades, 6d Typographed Kookaburra, 1934 VIC. Centenary set, perf 11.5 and 1/6 Hermes no watermark. Retail $160, price $110


MD8) AUSTRALIA – 1920 5d chestnut KGV, single wmk, line perf, rough paper, perf. OS – ACSC  124, superb used, socked on nose with Registered Elizabeth St. Melbourne 20JA21, full pers, fresh colour, truly the bets of these you will ever see! Cat. $250, and well worth that for this one! Price $239


MD10) Australia 1924 One Pound grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, lovely fine used cds example with full perfs, centred a bit high. Cat. $500, price $395


MD15) Great Britain 1952 Tudor wmk Wildings, key value 11d, in Mint Unhinged single, cat $75, price $47.50  (2 available)


MD16) Great Britain 1952 Tudor wmk Wildings, top values 1/3d & 1/6d in in Mint marginal blocks of 4, top two hinged, lower stamps unhinged,  cat $155, price $79


MD17) As above, lower values, halfpenny to 6d all in blocks of 4, some marginal, less the 5d value. Cat $85, price $35


MD18) As above, 7d, 9d, 10d & 11d, all in mint lightly hinged singles, Cat. $180, price $47.50


MD20) GB Collection remainders on album leaves, KGV – QEII pre-decimal. Some nice surprises, with mint unhinged, mint and used. Noted 1948 Olympics, 1957 Scouts and 1958 Games in blocks of 4 mint, plus a mint Lifeboat Phosphor set. 200 stamps approx., price $75 the lot!


MD22) 2 x Green Lighthouse large size “Vario Giant” padded 4 ring binders, brand new, but each with minor manufacturing defects. Normal retail = $69.95 each, price $79 the two.


MD24) Australia 1973 7c Metric Conversion, ACSC 623c, missing pink, with normal for comparison, postally used. Vary attractive and scarce rarity, cat. $1500 as mint unhinged. (see note 1 in ACSC)

Price $695


MD33) Australia 1934 MacArthur Set, set of 3 Gutter Imprint Blocks (no 2d Dark Hills) hinged only on the top two stamps of each, lovely well centered (unusual on the 9d), full perfs set. Cat $440, price $329


MD34) Australia 1913 3d Olive Green Kangaroo in Die I /Die II lovely used horizontal pair, with clear Millthorpe NSW cds cancels, 22 10 1913 well centered and good perfs, cat $900. My price under a half, $449


MD36) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, lovely used example with Registered 8 DE 15 cds. Good perfs, centered a little right. Cat. $400, price under a half  at $195


MD37) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Small Multi Wmk Kangaroo, cto perf OS, cat $225, this is a nice well centred stamp with just a couple of nibbed perfs, price well under a half, $95


MD38)  Australia 1932 6d Brown Kangaroo,  with OS overprint Small Multi. Wmk. Fine Postally Used with Sydney 9NO32 cds. Well centered with full perfs. Way scarcer than cto., price $66


MD39) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo  Small Multi Wmk cto. Perfect centering an perfs, with gum, cannot be bettered!  $225, price $175


MD40) AUSTRALIA 1932 5/- GREY & YELLOW KANGAROO C of A wmk, used on small COMMERCIAL AIRMAIL ADVERTISING COVER TO HAMBURG, GERMANY via GREECE, with clear Sydney Airmail cds 25 JE 1935, with Additional 1/- Large Lyre and 2d KGV Jubilee. Neat typewritten cover, with usual toning around stamps. Very attractive! Recently sold a similar, but large cover for $1150, this one just $950


MD41) Norway, lovely packet of 800 different used, instant collection! Comes with a brand new Prinz 32 black page stockbook, worth $32.50! (500 Norway is on our list at $80) Price $122.50 the lot. 


MD45) Australia 1916 Two Shilling Brown. 2nd wmk, well centred lightly hinged example on THIN PAPER. Cat $4500. My price, well under half. $1950 NOW ONLY $1750.


MD46) Australia 1929, 9d Violet Kangaroo, small multi wmk, Mint Unhinged, perf OS. Minor gum toning, Cat $450, this one $249.


MD49) 2d Orange single wmk, perf OS, mint unhinged, centred left as is usual for this issue. Retail $125, my price just $89.


MD50) 4d Purple, single wmk, perf OS mint light hinge, centred to left as is usual for this issue. Retail $125, price $89.


MD51) Australia 1960 Girl Guides 5d, with offset, ACSC 377c, From a possibly unique block of 48 mint unhinged. Cat. $75 per stamp. I have seen a block of 4 on eBay recently offered by a well known Sydney firm for $175. Blocks of 4 at $149 or singles at $39.  NOW REDUCED TO $125 FOR A BLOCK OF 4, $35 FOR A SINGLE


MD53) Tasmania: Halfpenny on 1d red sideface, plate No. 1, in block of 12 on thin card, overprinted REPRINT from bottom left of sheet. Clean and fresh, superb! $359


MD54) Queensland Queen Victoria Chalon Head 1/- Grey, SG 29, mint hinged. Cat $650. Very rare mint, unpriced on most dealer lists. Retail $525, my price $329.


D16) Australia 1915 5/- Grey & Yellow, 3rd Wmk Kangaroo  superb cds used, with registered cancel, well centered and full perfs. Retail $175, this one $125


D18) GB KEVII 1/- Dull Green & Carmine, SG 257 DLR printing, mint lightly hinged, fresh and well centered. Cat $210, my price $109


D21) Australia 5/- Arms, thin paper Imprint Block of 4, very rare! MLH/MUH. Fine and fresh, ACSC $2500. Price $1750


D23) Australia 1915 2/- Pale Brown Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, nice full perfs fine used example with neat partial Stock Exchange cds to right, clear of Kangaroo. Cat $350, my price $179


D24) Australia 1915 5/- Grey Black and Chrome yellow Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, with socked on nose George St. West, NSW cds, 2 DE 18. Cat $225, my price $149


D26) Australia KGV Heads, ovpt. OS group mint lightly hinged, complete face different  set ex. 2d C of A wmk, retail $105, my price $79


D29) Australia 1918 3rd wmk 1/- Emerald Kangaroo, very fine postally full perf example

Part cds, Watermark Inverted. Cat $200. Price $110


D30) Australia 1929 6d Brown multiple wmk Kangaroo, ovpt. OS, mint lightly hinged. Retail $75. Price $56


D32) Spain 1930 Charles Lindberg 1pta Green, 2 examples, 1 missing Lindbergs head, and other with inverted head, very striking error! $159 the two.


D33) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, perf large OS, cat $475, this one $239


D34) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, perf small OS DIE II, with Perth reg. cancel. Full perfs and centered right. Cat. $350, this one just $115


D36) Australia 1915 2d Grey Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, mlh, well centered with full perfs, Cat $150, price just a half! $75


D38) Australia Kangaroos, simplified set to 5/-, good to fine used with both colours of 6d and 2/- 14 stamps, good starter lot, price $195


D39) As above, but to 2/- only, 13 stamps price $85


D40) Large Red SG Stockbook, plus stocksheets, album leaves etc, with mint & used remnant collection/accumulation pre-decimal Australia, with KGV Head and Kangaroos, to end of KGVI period 1952. Values to 10/-. 250 plus stamps. Condition a bit mixed. Would suit re-seller. Great value at $395 the lot.


D42) 1000 Different Czechoslovakia all large! $119


MN3) Victoria 1879 Stamp Dury, the Two Pound Blue, nice Melbourne Duplex used, normal retail $200, this one under a half, $98


MN4) Australia One Pound Grey Kangaroo, C of A wmk, Ovpt. Specimen, mint lightly hinged. Specimen overprint misplaced left and extends well outside the left frame. Lovely variety, $135


MN7A) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, C of A wmk, nice fine used with partial Darwin cds, skilful corner repair at lower left. Only $98


MN9) Australia 1st wmk 2.5d Kangaroo, perf small OS, with scarce FEDERAL PARLIAMENT cds. Lovely looking stamp price $249


MN10) Another as above with a partial cds of the same cancel, not quite so well centred, cheap at $195  


MN21) Australia 1915 One Pound Grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, ovpt. Specimen type C, mint hinged. Cat $375, two nibbed perfs at right. Price $195


MN22) As above, type D, centered to lower left and some gum toning, cat $275, just $135 


MN25) Cardboard Envelope Box, full of mostly complete sets of stamps, mint and cto used, from a worldwide variety of countries mainly 1980’s period. Wealth of thematics, suite ebay trader,m hoarder or dealer. Weighs 2.5kg, must be close to 15,000 stamps here. This really must be seen to be believed, refund if not delighted. Very colourful lot Price $395. Super double sized lot $749


MN26) Box of World on paper, amazing variety, mostly well clipped, and appears all large with much recent. Must be about 4000 here, under 5c a stamp, $195.


MN30) Neat packet of 1000 different British Commonwealth, mint and used included. Very cheap at under 5c per stamp, price $49


MN30a) As above but 2000 different $119


MN31) As above, but Western Europe. Price $69


MN35) Australia 1948 5/- Arms, thin paper, very fine used, retail $100, my price just $75


MN36) Tasmania Halfpenny on 1d Red sideface in imperf plate 1 block of 12, from the reprint sheet on thin card, rare and unusual! $420


MN38) Australia Kangaroo, 5d Chestnut 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged, well centred , normal retail $140, plus premium for the better centering. This one just $98.


MN39) New Zealand 1940 Centennial set, mint unhinged, sg 613/25, normally $100, price $59




MN41) Magnificent Magnifier: Large 110mm Illuminated Magnifier with Stand This magnifier can be used with or without the base. It is suitable for stamp and coin collectors as well as art and craft, artists etc. Magnification: 2.5x, plus 4x Spot. Diameter: 110mm, bigger than the Lighthouse similar product. Battery operated: 2 x AA (not included). Adjustable height up to 200mm and angle to 45 degrees. RRP $36.95. Price each only $15, under 50% retail! $69 per 5 why not give away to friends and relations, or do some trading?


MN43) World El Cheapo on paper mixture! Plenty from the bigger countries, Germany, South Africa, USA etc, plus other bits and pieces tossed in from ends of ranges etc. As always you get what you pay for, but around 4500 – 5000 stamps to the kg, if you want bulk then this is it! Per kg $45, around 1c per stamp.


MN44) As above, but better quality we have 3 better grades of World on paper Mission at $75, b) Super Mission at $125 and  c) All large and Commemoratives $295 per kg.


MN45) New World Off paper Mix, just received, much better variety than you see in most of these mixes, around 2000 for $39, 5000 for $89, 10,000 for $175


MN47) PNCs (stamp & coin covers) Recently acquired stock, with most at issue price of $14.95, let us know your needs. We can also offer all different lots at under issue price a) 10 Different for $110 b) 25 Different $259 c) 50 Different for $495


MN48) New Zealand, 1981 – 1998 in 3 Warwick 22 ring albums, plus Green 48 page Lighthouse stockbook. Mostly mint unhinged and fine used of each issue, virtually compete for the period, with a little duplication. Great Lot! $785.


MN49) New Zealand 1967 $1 Glacier, top left corner marginal, mint unhinged, with double perfs, Campbell Paterson Catalogue NZ$450. Nice striking error! Under half catalogue $195.


MN50) Australia 1929 5/- grey and yellow Kangaroo, perf OS, postally used. Normal price $160, we have four grades to offer: a) Fine used circular date stamp, with clear usage date $129, b) As above but date not clear. $99, c) Light parcel cancel $79, d) Slight seconds with heavier cancels/and or perf faults $39


MN53) Worldwide mainly complete sets, mostly cto used but with some mint unhinged, plus some minisheets. Ex Fair Dealers Stock, mainly in multiples of 5. Ideal for re-sale on Ebay or through club sheets etc. Fantastic variety, and mainly the more popular thematics. We have three lots of this, sold by weight 2.25kg in each lot, but each lot estimate to contain around 2500 sets. Sell at 50c to $2 or more per set. Each lot for $750 (That is 30c per set) LAST TWO LOTS NOW, REDUCED TO $600 EACH. FINAL CLEARANCE NOW, $495 FOR THE LAST LOT LEFT, UNDER 20C PER SET!


NO10) As above, decimals only, SG 8 – 18, advertised retail $65, my price under a half…$32 (2 available)


NO11) As above, the top value $1 Mock Sun in bottom right corner single. Retail $30, my price only $18.


NO12) Australia 1937 Animals Perf 13.5 x 12.5 Mint unhinged, (6) Retail $125, my price just $89, one only.


NO15) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, perf Large OS, mint unhinged, perfectly centred with full perfs, looks great! Just some very minor toning on reverse.Cat $800, very cheap at under a third…$265


NO16) As above, small OS, mint lightly hinged, again well centred and full perfs, suntanned gum. Cat $550, again under a third, price $179


NO19) Australia 1915 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, perf OS, well centred and with good perfs, mint lightly hinged, gum a little toned. Cat. $1250! Price under a third, $395   


NO31) Australia 1927 3rd wmk  Kangaroo Die IIb 1/- Emerald with sideways wmk, postally used Melbourne cds, cat $500. As usual for this stamp it is not centered to top left. One of the most difficult kangaroos to find postally used. Price $375


NO32) Australia 1916 1/- Kangaroo Die II, 3rd wmk, nice lightly hinged mint, centred left. Cat $90, my price $59


NO33) Austrlia 1931 One pound Grey Kangaroo, C of A wmk, nicely used, with two partial cds cancels of Melbourne Ship Mailroom. Well centered and with good perfs. Cat $420. This one just $269


NO34) Queensland 1860 1d Imperf SG1, mint with gum, near 4 margins, just touched top right. Lovely stamp, so rare in this condition. Cat $13,000. My price under one third catalogue $3995


NO38) FANTASTIC COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION OF WELL OVER 3,000 AUSTRALIA USED. THIS LOT HAS KANGAROOS SIMPIFIED SET TO 10/-, PLUS A COMPLETE SET OF 1932 HARBOUR BRIDGES TO 5/- , there are at least 1500 different, so only light duplication. Price for the lot $749. (Under 25c per stamp!)


NO40) Australia 1915 5/- Grey & Yellow, 2nd wmk Kangaroo, perf OS, good/fine used with circular cancel and well centred. Really hard to find in nice condition. Cat $700, this one just $449


NO41) Australia 1913 1st wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged, and well centred with full perfs, very scarce thus. Cat $650, price $525


NO44) Australia 1964 Two Pound Navigator, very fine used, retail $80, my price just $69


NO47) Australia 1920 KGV 1/4d Turquoise single wmk, mint lightly hinged, well centred and with full perfs. Retail $200, my price just $149


NO49) GB 1883 5/- Rose Pink QV, SG 180, lovely well centred mint light hinge example with fresh white gum. Cat $2350, my price just $795


MOC5) Australia 1913 9d Violet Kangaroo 1st Wmk, superb well centred and unhinged, cat $850, my price just $625


MOC7) Australia 1929 9d Violet Kangaroo, multiple wmk, fresh mint lightly hinged, cat $125, this one just $89


MOC15) Germany, all periods, very good collection in big brown padded stockbook.

Fairly extensive, with mint and used in earlier, and mainly postally used in post war issues. Close to 2000 stamps I would estimate. Good value at $449


MOC16) Canada in Blue Prinz Stockbook, KGV _ QEII with a lot of Control singles mint unhinged. Many complete sets to around 1984. Approx 300. Nice lot at $149


MOC26) Printing, amazing collection mint and used covering the history of printing and publishing, in 5 Lindner Maroon Ring Binders, as new (These worth $350 retail) plus hundreds of covers, mostly commercial. Massive lot which took the original owner 30 years to accumulate. Price $1549 the lot, great value at this!


MOC30) Australia 1915 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, mint unhinged, full perfs. Nicest example I have owned in a while. Cat now $2500! Price $1695


MOC36) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Kangaroo, multiple wmk, with superb socked on nose “PP Postal Hall”, Melbourne cds. (date unclear) very attractive full perf nicely centred example. Cat $225, price $165


MOC46) Australia 1913 3d Olive 1st wmk Kangaroo, Die II, cto, cat $500. Attractive nicely centred stamp, very scarce. $329


MOC48) Australia 1915 9d Pale Violet 2nd wmk Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged, full perfs, centred high. Cat $350, under half just $169


MOC49) Australia 1915 9d Violet 1st wmk Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged, full perfs, well centred Cat $175, lovely! $129

 SC 58(V @ position38

Oct6) Large brown paper carrier bag, with world accumulation on paper, early to modern. Who knows what lurks in here! We have had several of these from the same source, and all sold very quickly. Weighs 2.2kg. $165 the lot.


Oct8) Australia 1932 1/- large lyrebird, overprinted OS, in horizontal pair, cds used in the scarcer Yellowish Green shade, supplied with normal for comparison in the deeper shade. Scarce in pairs, and cat. $100 each as singles. $119 the pair.


Oct10) Australia KGV 1/4d Turquoise. C of A wmk, fresh mint lightly hinged, centred right. Cat. $150, this one just a half…$75


Oct11) Australia 1936 SA Centenary 3d solo use on Surface Mail cover to Denmark. Scarce usage. Launceston 21APR37 cds, with slogan “Post Early Each Day” Cheap at $29 (I have lots of other nice commercial covers if interested, ranging in price from $5 to $500)


Oct12) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 4d Orange 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged, well centred. Retail $140, my price $110


Oct13) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 5d Chestnut 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged, well centred. Retail $140, my price $110


Oct14) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 9d Violet 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged. Retail $140, my price $110


Oct19) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 4d Orange 1st wmk, perf Large OS mint lightly hinged, Cat $500, my price $285


Oct20) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 9d Violet 1st wmk, perf Large OS mint lightly hinged, Cat $550, my price $315


Oct21) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 1/- Emerald 1st wmk, perf Large OS mint lightly hinged, Cat $600, my price $345


Oct22) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 3d Olive Die 1 1st wmk, perf Small OS, mint lightly hinged,  cat $400, my price $225


Oct23) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 6d Blue 1st wmk, perf Small OS, mint lightly hinged,  cat $425, my price $255


Oct24) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 9d Violet 1st wmk, perf Small OS, mint lightly hinged,  cat $600, my price $345


Oct25) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 1/- Emerald 1st wmk, perf Small OS, mint lightly hinged,  cat $600, my price $345


Oct26) Australia 1915 Kangaroo 2d Grey 2nd wmk, mint lightly hinged, retail $140, this one just $105


Oct27) Australia 1915 Kangaroo 2.5d Deep Blue 2nd wmk, mint lightly hinged, retail $90, this one just $72


Oct31) Australia 1915 Kangaroo, 2/- Maroon, 3rd wmk mint lightly hinged, retail $175, my price $139


Oct33) Australia 1915 Kangaroo, 10/- Grey & Analine Pink, 3rd wmk, perf OS, mint lightly hinged, cat $2000. Suspect this may have been reperfed, so very cheap at under a quarter cat. Price $495


Oct34) Oct33) Australia 1915 Kangaroo, One Pound Grey, 3rd wmk, perf OS, COMMERCIALLY USED, cat $750 as cto, this one used with heavy cds, but amazingly scarce stamp, thought for a long time not to exist. This has been repaired at some time in the past, but looks fine from the front. Very cheap example of a rarity, price $595


Oct35) Australia 1929 Kangaroo 2/- Maroon small multiple wmk, mint unhinged, cat $850, this one off centre, so only $495


Oct46) Australia 2nd wmk 2.5d Kangaroo, well centred lovely block of 4, with 2 mint unhinged, two lightly hinged, retail as singles $780. Magnificent piece. $585  


MSP9) Australia 1955 1/6d no wmk Hermes, in a muh block of 4, retail $80, my price $59


MSP23) Australia Seven Seas Green Padded hingeless album in as new condition, with pages for 1953 – 1987. New cost  $280, my price well under a half, $119


MSP28) NZ Seven Seas Hingeless pages1983 - 93 in binder with some extras standard pages, mainly the Health Minisheets, not counted $59. 


MSP29) Czechoslovakia, mint unhinged collection of 200 different, mostly large commemoratives, on our packets list at $20, (only 6 left) at $14.95 each. Great value!


MSP31) New South Wales, 1/- Red Diadems Imperf. With 4 good margins and light cancel, retail is $100 for 3 margin examples. My price for this just


MSP34) Handy A4 size 8 page stockbooks, with glassine strips and interleaving. Normally $12.95 each, now just $7.95 each (24 available) 


MSP41) Australia 1966 – 1987 mainly complete and mostly cto in Seven Seas Hingeless Album, 140 plus complete sets, plus the album, has to be worth $149!


SE9) Australia 1913 1st wmk 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, lovely fresh mint unhinged, well centred top marginal example, cat $550. Nicest I have owned, $475


SE11) Australia 1915 3rd wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, perf OS, lovely postally used example, Inverted Wmk, with Melbourne cds. Again the nicest I have ever seen. Cat $1500, price $1125


SE16) Australia 1935 Anzac Pair, 2d & 1/-, mlh, cat. $52, price $39 (3 available)


SE17) Australia 1915 2nd wmk, 6d Blue Kangaroo, perf OS, mint unhinged. Cat $1750, and missing from 99% of all Australia collections. Nice looking stamp, but does have a diagonal crease, hardly visible from the front, hence below 20% catalogue. Price $349 


SE19) Australia 1921 3rd wmk die IIB 6d Pale Ultramarine Kangaroo, from the Harrison Printing, mint unhinged, perf OS. Centrered high. Nice looking stamp, with great colour, nice white gum and full perfs. Under 60% cat. Price $249


SE22) Similar to above, with neat corner cds cancel. Not quite so well centered. Price $39


SE23) Australia 1913 3d Olive Green Kangaroo, Die II, perf small OS, nice well centred example, with cds cancel. Cat $350. Price $249


SE24) Australia 1913 3d Olive Green Kangaroo, Die I, inverted wmk, nice well centred example, with cds cancel. Odd minor perf fault, but very attractive example. Cat $225. Price under half $99


SE25) Australia 1918 3rd 3rd wmk , Yellow Olive Kangaroo, Die 1, mint unhinged  full perf. example. Hard to better! Cat $125, price $99


SE27) Australia 1915 3rd wmk, 9d Purple Kangaroo, fine used with inverted wmk. Braidwood 4 JL 20 Cancel. Retail $250, my price $185


SE31) Australia 1934 MacArthur set of 4 inc. 2d Dark Hills, mint unhinged, retail $125, my price $95


SE32) Australia 1937 10/- Robes thick paper mint unhinged retail $35, my price just a half! $17.50


SE33) Australia 1937 Robes thick paper set, 5/- to One Pound fine used, retail $60, my price just a half! $30


SE35) Australia 1946 BCOF overprint on 1d Queen, overprint double. Not recorded on this value. The 3d value catalogues at $2500. Fine used with slightly blunt top right corner perf. Very rare item, price $1495.


SE38) Western Australia 1861 4d Vermillion, with Perth cds, SP 27 1867 cleanly struck cds, SG40 retail $350, minor perf faults, but a scarce stamp. My price $198    


SE39) Western Australia 1860 -64, 6d Sage Green Imperf, SG28, Local Printing, 3 margins, postally used. Cat. $800, rare stamp, but with repaired tear at top where hinge has been carelessly removed. Nice looker. My price $159


SE41) St. Lucia KEVII 5/- , as SG 76, but in Grey and Carmine instead of Green & Carmine, mint lightly hinged. Not a colour changeling, but most likely a colour trial proof, on watermarked. Cat $170 as normal. Unusual. Price $98


SE46) Australia 1/4d KGV small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5 horiz. Pair on parcel piece, along with 1/- Kangaroo and 3d Airmail making 3/11d, with Use The Airmail slogan cancel. Single 1/4d stamp on cover cat. $400. Attractive piece for rates collector too.  Price $249


SE48) Australia 1937 3d Die I, mint unhinged, well centered and with good perfs. Retail $75, this one with ever so slightly toned gum, half price….$37.50


SE50) Australia 1938 1d Green Queen Die II, in coil strip of 3, central stamp is mint unhinged, others have been lightly hinged. Well centered and with full perfs. Cat $150 as a hinged pair. My price for this, just $119


MAU3) English Speaking Countries on paper mix, comprises Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, South Africa, Canada, Ireland. 250g for $22, 500g for $39, 1kg for $74.50, 5kg for $349, 10kg for $695


MAU8) Australia 1909 10/- Green & Red Postage Due, SG D72, lovely mint example retail $470, my price $365.


MAU15) Massive lot of  Cigarette and trade Cards, Around 1200 in albums, in bundles and loose. Many complete sets, including early Victoria Football League and Australian Cricket cards. Noted Don Bradman. I know next to nothing about cigarette cards, except that many of these popular themes sell for 100s of dollars per set, and up to $50 for a single card. In much better than average condition generally, and got to be very good value at under $1.50 per card. $1650 the lot.


MAU16) New South Wales, 1867 4d Red Brown Imperf Plate Proof horizontal pair on ungummed watermarked paper, from left hand edge of the sheet. Attractive and scarce piece. $295.

MAU17) South Australia 1860 – 69 4d (Gibbons type 3) Imperf plate proof pair, on ungummed, unwatermarked paper in the rose-carmine colour of the 2/-. A pair in black and a block of 4 as per this example was estimated $300 and sold for $650 at a Prestige auction. Horizontal crease, but still an attractive pair. Price $195.


MAU46) Pitcairn Is. 1949 UPU, the set of plate/imprint blocks in strips of 10 from the bottom of sheets, hinged/unhinged, includes both plates of the 3d and 4 plates of the 6d, one of these only being in a block of 6. Possibly Unique. Cat $675 as single stamps. Price $395.  


MAU47) Pitcairn Is. 1953 Coronation, imprint/plate number strips of ten, hinged/unhinged,  for both plates. (20 stamps) Cat $80 as single stamps, price $49.


MAU49) Pitcairn Island, 1964 Return set, in sheet number top right blocks of 4, as issued on the Island. Hinged/unhinged. Plus 1965 ITU 8 pairs in corner blocks of 4, Cheap lot, $29.

Prices valid to AUGUST 31st 2016, BE QUICK! Email or phone reservations highly advised.


If you wish to view any item we can send a scan by email, or colour photocopy by mail.


Also please remember that any order above $500 can be put on layby for up to 6 months,

and that all of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee. 


We accept all cards and Paypal at no fee. 


New lower postage rates for smaller parcels Australia Wide:

Up to 500g = $7.50

501g – 3kg = $13.50

3.01kg – 5kg = $17.50


TO ORDER please contact Kevin Morgan on ...
Phone:  0425 795 693
Fax:  (03) 9758 7506

Post:  PO BOX 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia, 3158 

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